BreeeZe / rpos

Raspberry Pi Onvif Server
MIT License
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No error, but no output #100

Open ScruffySoft opened 3 years ago

ScruffySoft commented 3 years ago

I finally managed to build rpos and get a run with no error codes. It uses GStreamer (I compiled that). However, when I run the command 'node rpos.js' I get the following:

Read IP address from wlan0 Manufacturer : RPOS Raspberry Pi Model : undefined HardwareId : SerialNumber : 1000000081dc05dc FirmwareVersion : 2.0.4 Starting camera settings webserver on Binding DeviceService to Binding MediaService to Binding PTZService to Binding ImagingService to discovery_service started Starting Live555 rtsp server media_service started imaging_service started ptz_service started device_service started

Opening the various links results in blank web pages, though does give settings. My rposConfig.json file is:

{ "NetworkAdapters" : ["awdl0","eth0", "wlan0", "en0"], "IpAddress" : "", "ServicePort" : 8081, "Username" : "", "Password" : "", "CameraType" : "picam", "RTSPAddress" : "", "//":"Normally left blank. Used to set RTSP Server Address", "RTSPPort" : 443, "RTSPName" : "h264", "MulticastEnabled" : true, "RTSPMulticastName" : "h264m", "MulticastAddress" : "", "MulticastPort" : "10001", "RTSPServer" : 1, "RtspServerComment" : "## Select RTSP Server > 1:RPOS RTSP Server 2:V4L2 RTSP Server by mpromonet (auto selected if MulticastEnabled=true)", "PTZDriver" : "pan-tilt-hat", "PTZDriverComment": "## valid values are none,tenx,pelcod,visca and pan-tilt-hat", "PTZOutput" : "none", "PTZOutputComment": "## values are none (eg Tenx), serial and tcp", "PTZSerialPort" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", "PTZSerialPortSettings" : { "baudRate":2400, "dataBits":8, "parity":"none", "stopBits":1 }, "PTZOutputURL": "", "PTZCameraAddress": 1, "DeviceInformation" : { "Manufacturer" : "Raspberry Pi", "Model" : "4 B", "HardwareId" : "" }, "logLevel" : 3, "logLevelComment": "## LogLevels are > 1:Error 2:Warning 3:Info 4:Debug", "logSoapCalls" : false }

I use port 443 because the default 8554 port gave an ioctl error. Can you help me with the following questions:

How do I set the resolution of the camera image? Why don't I get anything on those service pages?


EduardoRonchi commented 3 years ago

Hello, did you managed to make it work? I am facing the same erorrs that you did. My issue:

ScruffySoft commented 3 years ago

No, I haven't found a solution. I've pretty much accepted that I cannot have the zoom camera ability and stream the camera output to FB or even VLC at the same time. So it's PT not PTZ until someone makes some part of the software work.