Breeze / breeze.js.samples

Breeze JavaScript Client sample applications
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Did you finished all stuffs on the backlog? #22

Open qdev89 opened 9 years ago

qdev89 commented 9 years ago

Hi, Currently the source code for BMEAN doesn't have ability to save changes and I see: "On the backlog This sample is a work in progress. Among the features yet to be implemented: Place the order (and save it to the database) Client- and server-side validation Deliver a delicious, hot pizza to your laptop" So did you implement the save changes function yet? if no, can you instruct me to do that? Thanks

wardbell commented 9 years ago

Not yet. Still backlogged. Sorry.

chauey commented 9 years ago

Any update on the MEAN stack? it's very popular.. Is it a pretty big undertaking?

wardbell commented 9 years ago

It's still backlogged. I don't know if there is a MORE trivial task that has taken this long. I'm just a lazy bum. No other explanation. Maybe you want to contribute?

chauey commented 9 years ago

we'll try to take a look again and use it again and see what works and what doesn't. Do you happen to have a list of what works and what isn't? I know there are some pages on the website on how to use it with node.js and mongodb. thx

wardbell commented 9 years ago

It's been a while (too long) since I looked at this, not because I think it is unimportant but because I've had so much else going on and I couldn't delegate it.

The zza-mean sample is/was a refactoring of the express side of the zza-node-mongo which I felt needed some cleaning. I don't think I finished it and I know I didn't announce it. zza-node-mongo all works ... with node/express/mongo. There is even some save code on the server. It just doesn't have a UI for saving anything.