Breeze / breeze.js.samples

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Breeze DocCode fails some tests #46

Open bilkusg opened 6 years ago

bilkusg commented 6 years ago

Trying to run the breeze DocCode test suite using the latest VS 2017 community (V 15.6.6) and chrome browser version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Four of the tests fail ..... output as follows:

Breeze DocCode Test Suite Hide passed testsCheck for GlobalsNo try-catchModule: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36 Tests completed in 55690 milliseconds. 1366 assertions of 1370 passed, 4 failed.

namingConvention tests (UnderscoreCamelCaseConvention): global failure (1, 0, 1)Rerun1 ms Uncaught TypeError: breeze.AjaxRestInterceptor is not a constructor Source:
http://localhost:56337/tests/multiControllerTests.js:41 navigationTests: Deleting child in 1-to-1 relationship does not modify the parent (1, 3, 4)Rerun2 ms parent unchanged after child deleted Expected:
"Unchanged" Result:
"Modified" Diff:
"Unchanged" "Modified" Source:
at Object. (http://localhost:56337/tests/navigationTests.js:455:9) at (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/qunit.js:203:31) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/qunit.js:361:26 at process (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/qunit.js:1453:37) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/qunit.js:479:21 query xtras: expand query preserves FK change (2, 6, 8)Rerun234 ms re-queried order's changed EmployeeID FK was preserved Expected:
2 Result:
1 Diff:
2 1 Source:
at gotRequeriedOrder (http://localhost:56337/tests/queryXtraTests.js:133:15) at _fulfilled (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:798:54) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:827:30 at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:760:13) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:574:44 at MessagePort.flush (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:108:17) re-queried order's Employee should be null because EmployeeID FK is changed Source:
at gotRequeriedOrder (http://localhost:56337/tests/queryXtraTests.js:138:15) at _fulfilled (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:798:54) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:827:30 at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:760:13) at http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:574:44 at MessagePort.flush (http://localhost:56337/Scripts/q.js:108:17)