Individual stores and default stores (per world) should have permissions for buying, and selling. This will allow a more robust configurability.
An example of the usability would be something such as a towny-style server where towns have their own store(s). The current implementation would allow anyone to shop there. However, if you only wanted to give permissions to residents of that town, you could allow or disallow usage based on user permissions.
Using the store's name would be a soft matching system which would allow for multiple stores with the same name to be accessed via one permission. To make this more granular, using the store's UUID would be more ideal.
Permission examples:\
shops.cmd.admin.* (would grant all admin command permissions: add, remove, delete, transfer, update (with infinite flags), deposit, withdraw)
shops.cmd.owner.* (would grant all owner command permissions: add, remove, update, deposit, withdraw)
shops.cmd.patron.* (would grant all patron command permissions: buy, sell, browse)
Individual stores and default stores (per world) should have permissions for buying, and selling. This will allow a more robust configurability.
An example of the usability would be something such as a towny-style server where towns have their own store(s). The current implementation would allow anyone to shop there. However, if you only wanted to give permissions to residents of that town, you could allow or disallow usage based on user permissions.
Using the store's name would be a soft matching system which would allow for multiple stores with the same name to be accessed via one permission. To make this more granular, using the store's UUID would be more ideal.
Permission examples: