Closed BrentBarnes closed 2 years ago
(, 8, 01), 8, 31)).each do |date| Airport.find_each do |airport| i = 1 while i <= 8 if == i i += 1 else 2.times do Flight.create(departure_airport_id:, arrival_airport_id: i, flight_number: Faker::Number.number(digits: 5), departure_date: date, departure_time: Faker::Time.between(from:, to: DateTime.tomorrow, format: :short).last(5), flight_duration: "#{rand(1..5)} hour and #{rand(0..59)} minute(s)") end i += 1 end end i = 1 end end
I have a lot of questions for this step since there are so many attributes and I imagine there need to be many flights seeded: