BretFisher / dogvscat

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Make Ghost HA with GlusterFS "shared nothing" option rather then shared storage limitation #7

Open BretFisher opened 6 years ago

BretFisher commented 6 years ago

Right now, since Ghost Blog is designed to run on a single-host (a current design limitation) then caching and MTTR are the best ways to keep downtime to a minimum.

For storing content/images and content/data volumes on persistent storage, we're currently using digitalocean block storage with rexray, but a more inclusive option would be shared-nothing storage that's replicated between nodes using the default local volume driver.

I've not yet set this up with GlusterFS but it would be cool to have that running in a global service if possible, replicating a named volume (local driver) between 3 nodes, while the ghost service uses the same named volume on whatever node the task is running on.

BretFisher commented 6 years ago

For research:

GlusterFS client as docker plugin: server container:

other blogs:

pascalandy commented 5 years ago

At the moment I use Resilio over 3 services (one per nodes). I'll be glad to share if you need it.

I'm very curious to experiment with GlusterFS as well.

BretFisher commented 5 years ago

Share away!

pascalandy commented 5 years ago

There you have it!