Breta01 / docus

Android application for scanning and managing documents.
GNU General Public License v3.0
51 stars 7 forks source link

slashes (/) in document names #39

Open kthmlclm opened 1 year ago

kthmlclm commented 1 year ago

The app allows document names to include forward slashes (eg 'document1/2'). However, documents with names including forward slash(es) are not handled correctly. In my example, the image(s) is placed in the directory '2-[timestamp]' inside the directory 'document1'. On selecting 'export', the app displays a loading icon indefinitely.

The app should either disallow slashes in document names, or handle those documents correctly. Not all users are familiar with *nix file name patterns, and archival document names often contain one or more slashes.

Breta01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I didn't realize this. I guess the easiest solution is to prohibit the forward slashes completely. I don't have much time to update the app these days, but if you create a pull request with the necessary fixes, I will add it to the app. Otherwise, I will fix it once I have more time.