Current update system cannot update hemtt.exe if it is not on the C:\ drive.
Steps to reproduce:
Set up a project on a different drive from C:\
Use command to update hemtt.exe using hemtt.exe update
Additional information:
This appears to be a copy issue where whatever is being used cannot go across drives.
HEMTT Output:
E:\Projects\F7>hemtt.exe update
Checking target-arch... x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Checking current version... v0.7.3
Checking latest released version... v0.7.4
New release found! v0.7.3 --> v0.7.4
New release is compatible
hemtt.exe release status:
* Current exe: "E:\\Projects\\F7\\hemtt.exe"
* New exe release: ""
* New exe download url: ""
The new release will be downloaded/extracted and the existing binary will be replaced.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
[00:00:00] [========================================] 8.25MB/8.25MB (0s) Done
Extracting archive... Done
Replacing binary file... error: IoError: The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive. (os error 17)
HEMTT Version: 0.7.4 Release Project: N/A
Current update system cannot update hemtt.exe if it is not on the C:\ drive.
Steps to reproduce:
hemtt.exe update
Additional information:
This appears to be a copy issue where whatever is being used cannot go across drives.
HEMTT Output: