BrettRD / ros-gst-bridge

a bidirectional ros to gstreamer bridge and utilities for dynamic pipelines
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Add libsoup dependency #65

Closed fbe555 closed 4 months ago

fbe555 commented 4 months ago

Added libsoup as a build dependency.

Note that this requires the following addition to the ros index to come through first:

BrettRD commented 4 months ago

Amazing! I think a similar index change might be required for jsonGLib

fbe555 commented 4 months ago

Hi Brett.

I was in a bit of a hurry and only verified that the added dependency installed as intended :sweat_smile: It looks like both json-glib-1.0 and gstreamer-webrtc-1.0 needs to be installed. The first one can be installed throught the rosdep key libjson-glib, but the second one I think needs to be installed through the apt package libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev. I have tested that adding aforementioned dependency and manually installing the apt package leads to a successfull build on a freshly built container. I find the gstreamer plugin partitioning a bit confusing, but if you can confirm that the 'bad' set is needed, I'll add another entry to ros index and make another PR here with the two new dependencies.
