BrettRyland / BDArmory-Extended

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scaling issues. #11

Closed Kerbal410 closed 7 months ago

Kerbal410 commented 9 months ago

the scaling options on the deployable missile rail (non-reloadable) doesn't work. also, the title of the new sonar and description of the Tigershark are broken (the #loc is visible). the sonar may need a little work with the RWR Threat Type UNKNOWN.

Kerbal410 commented 9 months ago

even at max width the tigerfish doesn't work. when fired, they just explode. the torpedo tube "ordinance offset" also doesn't work, though it will if the vessel is launched and then reverted back to the SPH/VAB, but not in the moment it is messed with.

Kerbal410 commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I meant even with the torpedo tubes at max width.

also, how would I get the repulsor to hover at a much lower altitude than ten? what in the .cfg would I need to change?

SuicidalInsanity commented 9 months ago

Ordinance offset isn't intended for the torp launcher(or twin rail); that's a BDA+ issue, though. BDA-E is just a parts mod. I cannot confirm the tigershark launch issue; they launch from a max-width torp launcher on my end without issue both submerged and above water; what is your launch setup? Repulsor hover height is set by the AI default Alt (if using a Pilot/VTOL AI) or 2* max slope angle (if using a surface AI), else it's hardcoded to 10m with no AI on the craft. Changing this would also be a BDA+ issue.

Kerbal410 commented 9 months ago

perhaps I'm doing something wrong, I have that same setup. would not launching them at max pitch have anything to do with it? thanks for letting me know the repulsors work with the surface AI, just differently. don't know if anyone has mentioned this or if this is yet another BDA+ issue, some munitions will spawn clipped into the twin rail, namely bombs and any missile with a diameter larger than an AGM-65's (most missiles) and causes them to either detonate prematurely or fire in a weird way. is there a way of changing how far left/right the ordinance is, without changing anything in the .cfg?