BrettRyland / BDArmory-Extended

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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sid-strafeh's short list of cool guns and things he thinks are really cool and awesome and should be added to this very cool and good mod by the devs #4

Open Sidestrafe2462 opened 1 year ago

Sidestrafe2462 commented 1 year ago

Exhibit A: Munitions

Exhibit B: Guns for RWP M39 20mm: 3 point 20mm, a miniature M27. (T75 20mm turret?) Chonk browning. Can use as pretend Hispano. GIAT/DEFA/GSH-30 (mm): 3-4pt 30mm, a bigger M27. Actually reasonable and usable 30mm option. GSH-6-23 (mm): HUMONGOUS FUNNY AND AMUSING 6 point BRRT device, throws away ammo even more uselessly than the GAU-8. Uses 25mm.

Lee-Enfield. Meme. Just gonna edit this every time I have a dumb idea for stuff

Sidestrafe2462 commented 1 year ago

17th-century naval cannon.

This is a critical component missing from RWP.