Brezensalzer / ble_sensor_adv

BLE advertising sensor node. Modified Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 with MS8607 sensor and 2.7µA deep sleep current
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where is the regulator to remove? #1

Closed jduffas closed 1 year ago

jduffas commented 1 year ago

Hello, Could you tell more about where is the regulator to remove? an other point, you tell about 2,7uA, but the photo show your multimeter with 2,7 on screen, but volts are selected... so I think it's not the good photo to illustrate.

and, it would have ben great to have consumption figures about différence, between with/without led and with/without regulator.

thank you :-)

Brezensalzer commented 1 year ago


please think about twice before partially destroying your Itsybitsy... I've used the same software strategy with a Seeed Xiao BLE without removing any parts, have a look: But if you really want to, the AP2112 regulator is on the backside of the Itsybitsy. It is the 5 pin IC close to the A0 label. See

You can't measure µA with a cheap multimeter, you need a special circuitry like the "tinyCurrent" on the second picture. It translates 1 µA to 1 mV on the multimeter.

I2C breakout board always powered: ~ 1.5 mA DotStar LED: ~ 0.4 mA Regulator: ~ 0.7 mA if board is powered directly via 3V pin

Softmodem: ~0,28 mA if bluetooth is enabled... that's a Arduino specific problem, I could'nt switch it off once initialized


jduffas commented 1 year ago

Hi,Thank’s a lot for your answer :-) I actually have a XIAO BLE, I will try your code,I actually manage to have a 0,7mA minimum with the soft reset, witch is better as before (I had 1,5mA) but not still good. I will receive my itsybitsy soon, I won’t destroy it at the beginning if I can get a correct consumption. Have a good day and thank you again