BrianCArnold / RequireUserApproval

GitHub App to require specific user(s) approval, emitting a Status Check that can be required before merging.
MIT License
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Team: prefix doesnt seem to work #2

Open onionhammer opened 6 months ago

onionhammer commented 6 months ago

When a team: prefix is specified, in the logs I see

RequestError [HttpError]: Validation Failed: "Could not resolve to a node with the global id of 'T_kw[redacted]

onionhammer commented 6 months ago

This is because

If you are using GITHUB_TOKEN in a GitHub Actions workflow, you should ensure that: The endpoint is only affecting resources owned by the repository where the workflow is running. If you need to access resources outside of that repository, such as resources owned by an organization or resources owned by another repository, you should use a personal access token or an access token for a GitHub App.
