BrianGilbert / OSXAegirInstaller

This script installs aegir on OSX using Homebrew
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nginx configuration? #28

Closed garethhallnz closed 10 years ago

garethhallnz commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your work it's awesome.

I am very new to nginx as apache has always been my goto option.

I am currently doing some other php development and wish to use this stack. Obviously aegir can only host Drupal stuff but there is no reason one could not configure it manually.

So the site I am trying to work on is a wordpress one … I know it's sad :)

I created a vhost file so the local site resolves .. all good

server { limit_conn gulag 32; # like mod_evasive - this allows max 32 simultaneous connections from one IP address listen *:80; server_name; root /Users/garethhall/Sites/domain/public;

Extra configuration from modules:

include /var/aegir/config/includes/nginx_vhost_common.conf; }

Next I noticed wp-login.php wasn't running after looking around I finally figured out it's a restriction on the vhost_common.conf file. So I added

location ~* ^.+.php$ { tcp_nopush off; keepalive_requests 0; access_log off; allow; deny all; try_files $uri =404; fastcgi_pass; }

Now I noticed the query strings are not being processed By this I mean if I go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=AT_paygate it doesn't work. The browser sort of just flashed but it doesn't look like an actual request is fired (I get no headers)

Any ideas how I could change things so the dev stack has more lacks settings?

BrianGilbert commented 10 years ago