BrianGladman / mpir

Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to build DLL GMPXX? #14

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The lib_mpir_cxx project can generate only static library of GMPXX. How to generate DLL of GMPXX?

SanderBouwhuis commented 4 years ago

You can use any of the dllmpir* projects. I would recommend using the dll_mpir_pentium4_sse2 project if you want maximum compatibility. But, you can use more modern cpu generations as well.

You can use the "msvc\" Python script to generate any type of project you want if you don't like the pre-generated ones. (see page 12 of the MPIR 3.0.0 pdf documentation)

BrianGladman commented 4 years ago

There are static libraries for the MPIR C and C++ interface but the MPIR DLL includes both so a separate C++ DLL is not needed.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I got it. CGAL needs to link to the DLL version of GMPXX, but I used lib rather than dll as the lib path. Now I changed both GMPXX_INCLUDE_DIR and GMPXX_LIBRARIES in cmake-gui to the dll path, and everything is all right. Thank you very much, BrianGladman.

gvanem commented 4 years ago

I comment here since the dllexport/dllimport stuff in MPIR is confusing as hell. E.g. gmp.h has tests for MSC_BUILD_DLL and MSC_USE_DLL (btw. this ass-u-mes it's refereing to mpir.dll only?).

I see not a single hit for MSC_BUILD_DLL and/or MSC_USE_DLL under msvc. So how on earth is it possible to build a mpirxx.dll?

BTW, stuff like:

is backwards. MSVC wants:

for data to be properly DLL-exported.

BrianGladman commented 4 years ago

The defines for building (MSC_BUILD_DLL) or using (MSC_USE_DLL) are set in the appropriate Visual Studio project files, not within the MPIR source code. The mpir DLL contains both the C and C++ features of MPIR so there is no mpirxx.dll

gvanem commented 4 years ago

.. are set in the appropriate Visual Studio project files ..

I fail to see how. I see MSC_BUILD_DLL is in But not MSC_USE_DLL.

Edit: In other words, I'd ass-u-me the dependency for e.g. t-ostream.exe would be:

   |__ mpirxx.dll
       |__ mpir.dll
       |__ MSVCP140.dll

but it looks instead it's fatter than need to be and really is:

   |__ mpirxx.dll  - all MPIR .c-files are duplicated here!
      |__ MSVCP140.dll
BrianGladman commented 4 years ago

Yes, the DLL contains C++ interface code which won't be used if only the C interface is needed. But this overhead is small.

BrianGladman commented 4 years ago

If you want to play about with the build process, you are on your own I'm afraid as I don't have time to explain its internal structure and operation. I'll try to help if you run into problems in using the build.

gvanem commented 4 years ago

It would help to see the AppVeyor log/output. So I forked your project and added a job here:

... it failed though.

BrianGladman commented 4 years ago

The script is a hang over from the days when we ran a single repository (I don't build with Appveyor). If there is any information on how it fails I might be able to identify the issue that causes it to fail.