BrianGlassman / Budget_Buckets

Budgeting tool that focuses on continuous operation rather than month-by-month discrete units
MIT License
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Existing budget apps #1

Open ahl54 opened 4 years ago

ahl54 commented 4 years ago :

BrianGlassman commented 4 years ago

Firefly: Has a lot of features that I like ("reconcile" button to match to bank accounts, automated bill "templates" that match incoming bills to make categorizing easier, linking transactions). Seems to be overall the right mindset (specifically references the "envelope method"). Doesn't have and isn't going to add any sort of future-looking, though. Treats income and expenses as totally separate, which I don't like (ex. repayment for footing the lunch bill). Also still seems to be month-focused, even if there are some day-focused elements. Seems like the focus is still on predicting expenses and then working within that. Doesn't seem to have any way for income to be distributed to the existing budgets (might be possible through a particularly clever custom rule)

Wells Fargo money map Has some daily elements, but still has a monthly focus. Quick look suggests that it follows the normal pattern of having a budget for each thing, but your money is aggregated. Also, seems to be focused on Wells Fargo stuff (obviously)

You Need A Budget (aka YNAB) Works by assigning a "job" to each incoming cent. Looks like a cult or something. $12/month

Budget with Buckets Definitely similar concept, without quite as much automation as I want