BrianHenryIE / UnmountVolumeAfterTimeMachine

Automatically eject USB drives after TimeMachine backup finishes
MIT License
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Does UnmountVolumeAfterTimeMachine work on Sonoma? #1

Closed hanshuebner closed 9 months ago

hanshuebner commented 9 months ago


I've found this tool and while it seems to exactly do what I want, it does not seem to work on my MacBook Air running Sonoma. I've installed it using mint, and when I start it I see this:

mecipt-1 1088_% ~/.mint/bin/UnmountVolumeAfterTimeMachine
No launchd agent set
launchd agent written
launchd agent startOnMount set
status: unloaded

When I manually start a Time Machine backup, it finishes, but the backup volume stays mounted. Nothing is printed by UnmountVolumeAfterTimeMachine after the initial messages. Am I missing something?

Thank you! Hans

BrianHenryIE commented 9 months ago

Sorry for the slow reply: it works for me!

I hadn't actually backed up since upgrading so I did just now and it behaved as expected.

My first guess is you had the drive open in Finder, or a file open that's on that's on the drive, so it wasn't able to be ejected.

Please try it again. I presume since you installed it via Mint, it's still installed. Please:

Let me know how what happens for you.

hanshuebner commented 9 months ago


thank you for getting back and confirming that the tool works on Sonoma. I believe that my system is somehow behaving incorrectly in that the external hard drive does not show up in Finder, even though it is mounted and visible in the /Volumes directory. My guess is that this misbehavior is also what causes UnmountVolumeAfterTimeMachine to not work. I will try to figure out what's going on, resorting to recreating my user account from scratch if necessary (although that'd be a bit of a pain).

Kind regards, Hans