Now the issue is as I runvendor/bin/strauss` command. I get following error:
[info] Loading config...
[info] Building dependency list...
[info] Enumerating files...
[error] Unable to read file from location: C:/Users/WPB/Local Sites/my-plugin-google-sdk/app/public/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/lib/Google-GA4/vendor/google/apiclient/src/aliases.php. file_get_contents(C:\Users\WPB\Local Sites\my-plugin-google-sdk\app\public\wp-content\plugins\my-plugin\lib\Google-GA4\C:/Users/WPB/Local Sites/my-plugin-google-sdk/app/public/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/lib/Google-GA4/vendor/google/apiclient/src/aliases.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
And in the error it is observed that the file path is been generated two times due to which issue is occurring. How to fix it?
Below is my composer.json with the configuration to namespace the dependencies in the vendor folder: ` { "require": { "google\/apiclient": "^2.15", "google\/analytics-admin": "^0.22.2", "google\/analytics-data": "^0.16.2" }, "require-dev": { "brianhenryie/strauss": "^0.17.0" }, "extra": { "strauss": { "target_directory": "vendor-prefixed", "namespace_prefix": "My_Plugin\", "classmap_prefix": "MyPlugin", "constantprefix": "WMP", "packages": [ ], "update_call_sites": false, "override_autoload": { }, "exclude_from_copy": { "packages": [ ], "namespaces": [ ], "file_patterns": [ ] }, "exclude_from_prefix": { "packages": [ ], "namespaces": [ ], "file_patterns": [ ] }, "namespace_replacement_patterns" : { }, "delete_vendor_packages": false, "delete_vendor_files": false } } }
Now the issue is as I run
vendor/bin/strauss` command. I get following error:And in the error it is observed that the file path is been generated two times due to which issue is occurring. How to fix it?