BrianMbugua / Visor-Tech-Retail

E-Commerce web application.
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Defining Features #2

Open BrianMbugua opened 1 week ago

BrianMbugua commented 1 week ago

User Authentication: Registration: Allow users to create accounts with email/password or social logins (Google, Facebook). Login/Logout: Provide secure login and logout functionality. User Profiles: Allow users to view and update their profile information.

Product Management: Product Listings: Display products with details like name, description, price, and images. Product Categories and Filtering: Organize products into categories (e.g., electronics, clothing) and provide filtering options (e.g., by price, size, color). Product Search: Implement a search feature to allow users to find products quickly.

Shopping Cart and Checkout: Shopping Cart: Enable users to add products to a cart, update quantities, and remove items. Checkout Process: Guide users through a seamless checkout flow, collecting shipping information and providing payment options. Order Confirmation: Send order confirmation emails and display order history in user profiles.

Admin Panel: Product Management: Allow admins to add, edit, and delete products. Order Management: View and manage orders, update order statuses, and handle refunds if necessary. User Management: Manage user accounts and roles (e.g., regular user vs. admin).

Security: Data Protection: Implement secure storage and transmission of user data and payment information (use HTTPS, encrypt sensitive data). Authentication and Authorization: Ensure only authorized users can access certain features and data.