I'm using py-brickschema to generate some data and I just happen to notice some new equipment classes, for example brick:Water_Storage_Tank, in the generated output which was a bit surprising.
While it is not really breaking anything for me, it does look like this was unintentional since the 1.3.0 version shipped with py-brickschema is not the same as the 1.3.0 version of the official release.
I don't want to jump to conclusions but, if there is some hardship with managing Brickschema versions, I think it's worth looking into Semantic Versioning combined with Conventional Commits.
I'm using py-brickschema to generate some data and I just happen to notice some new equipment classes, for example
, in the generated output which was a bit surprising.I went to check the ontology on the website but I could not find those classes neither in 1.3.0 nor in Nightly. Digging a bit through the commit history of Brickschema I found that
was introduced with https://github.com/BrickSchema/Brick/commit/679a75e6af89e26b4caa0e32e0386f251e8dc169 after 1.3.0 was released and the change has been pulled in py-brickschema with https://github.com/BrickSchema/py-brickschema/commit/1cd6117c9561478564a3c098c0b57a221282c884.While it is not really breaking anything for me, it does look like this was unintentional since the 1.3.0 version shipped with py-brickschema is not the same as the 1.3.0 version of the official release.
I don't want to jump to conclusions but, if there is some hardship with managing Brickschema versions, I think it's worth looking into Semantic Versioning combined with Conventional Commits.