I'd recommend specifically mentioning installing Python 3.11 to streamline things for folks.
I also suggest saying to enable the "Add python.exe to Path" option on the install page AND use the 'Install Now' option.
On Step 4, the slashes need to be changed to backslashes, so when folks copy/paste it works on Windows.
On Step 7 the exe is misnamed. It's 'smirnyboot9001.exe'
On Steps 12 and 13 - I had another user who couldn't use the IPv4 address and it had to be changed to "localhost" to work for them. Probably caused by the IPv6 preference. I'd suggest changing that. So it matches the sample config.
I have no idea if this version of the updated readme will display correctly here:
A twitch chatbot for displaying LEGO sets, minifigs and parts on an HTML overlay
Open a "command prompt" window from the start menu search.
In this window, browse to a directory where you wish to install the bot inside of. (google how to use Command Prompt).
For sake of this guide, we will be using "C:\Users\YourUserName\"
The important thing is that you know where this is located as you will need to edit files in this location, and keeping backups of them may be helpful for you.
Using Command Prompt, create the venv using this syntax: python -m venv VENVDIR where VENVDIR can be any text you want. e.g. C:\Users\YourUserName\>python -m venv Smirny_Venv
Activate the venv using this syntax: VENVDIR\Scripts\activate.bat e.g. C:\Users\YourUserName\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>activate.bat
Install the SmirnyBot into the venv python -m pip install smirnybot9001 e.g. C:\Users\YourUserName\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>python -m pip install smirnybot9001
Check that the Bot executables are installed in VENVDIR/Scripts smirnyboot9001.exe overlay.exe chatbot.exe
Run smirnyboot9001.exe --help and note the default location of the config file (Usually HOMEDIR\smirnybot9001.conf) e.g. C:\Users\YourUserName\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>smirnyboot9001.exe -h
Copy the sample config file from VENVDIR\Lib\site-packages\smirnybot9001\data\sample.conf to the location noted above (from running smirnyboot.exe --help)
Create a token for your chatbot twitch user (we recommend using a different user than your personal one) by visiting: https://twitchtokengenerator.com/
Configure your newly created token and your channel name (Usually your personal username) in the config file leaving double quotation marks in place
Start the bot and overlay using the smirnyboot9001.exe executable.
(Optional) For advanced control, I'd recomend making a batch file (anyfilename.bat) anywhere on your computer that has content mimicing the following. You will need to place your own file paths in here to the exe and your config file
Here are some suggested fixes:
I have no idea if this version of the updated readme will display correctly here:
A twitch chatbot for displaying LEGO sets, minifigs and parts on an HTML overlay
Installation - Windows
python -m venv VENVDIR
where VENVDIR can be any text you want. e.g.C:\Users\YourUserName\>python -m venv Smirny_Venv
python -m pip install smirnybot9001
e.g.C:\Users\YourUserName\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>python -m pip install smirnybot9001
VENVDIR/Scripts smirnyboot9001.exe overlay.exe chatbot.exe
smirnyboot9001.exe --help
and note the default location of the config file (UsuallyHOMEDIR\smirnybot9001.conf
) e.g.C:\Users\YourUserName\Smirny_Venv\Scripts>smirnyboot9001.exe -h
to the location noted above (from runningsmirnyboot.exe --help
executable."C:\Users\YourUserName\Scripts\smirnyboot9001.exe" -c "C:\Users\YourUserName\smirnybot9001.conf"
!set 10228
in your chat and see if the overlay displays the wanted set.