BricksVR / bricksvr-issue-tracking

A repository used to keep track of bugs, feature requests, and TODOs for the BricksVR game.
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Custom Textures For Bricks #263

Open reversal-red opened 2 years ago

reversal-red commented 2 years ago

I already posted this little idea in #modding-talk but I think that would be hard to integrate in form of a mod.

An implementation of some sort of texture system for bricks could open tons of doors to new customization options like creating mirror/steel bricks, opaque bricks for windows or more detailed bricks in general (irl counterparts would be bricks with printing on them). Developing a texture selector system would significantly reduce the need in "special brick mods", if any are ever going to come out. ;) But as I said, I'm sure there are a lot more reasons to why a texture selector system could be useful.