Brideau / pokelyzer

A webhook listener and database schema for doing geospatial analysis and advanced analytics on Pokemon Go data.
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new install instructions - pokemongo-map develop branch #35

Closed hannahbanana closed 7 years ago

hannahbanana commented 7 years ago

Hi there I've tried to setup using the new install instructions for OSX, but it seems it isn't working with the develop branch at present - I'm getting the following error when I try to run the PokemonGo-Map server: [ MainThread][ runserver] [CRITICAL] Please run "grunt build" before starting the server.

I realise this is an issue with PokemonGo maps, not pokelyzer, but the develop branch isn't always going to be ready to go - what do you suggest as a workaround? Thanks!

hannahbanana commented 7 years ago

OK an update to this... I got grunt build sorted and the pokemongo map server is now working as expected with the WH stuff appended, but now I'm getting errors from pokelyzer & nothing is being added to the db:

[2016-08-01T05:02:14.894Z] INFO: MainApp/1102 on Users-MacBook-Pro.local: Pokemon with ID 32 found. [2016-08-01T05:02:14.896Z] ERROR: MainApp/1102 on Users-MacBook-Pro.local: Error running query { [error: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint] name: 'error', length: 511, severity: 'ERROR', code: '23502', detail: 'Failing row contains (3244, null, NjM1NzYyNTA2NDE0MTk3ODk1Nw==, 1470027734666, 167674, 1469991902, 2016-08-01 05:05:02, 6ad65c3d8a9, 144.888121993779, -37.7497556344046, 32, 305, 20160801, 144.88826279346, -37.7501970523555, 0101000020E610000073C4D07E6B1C624038E11CFEF7DF42C0, 0101000020E6100000380518A66C1C624019B6FE7406E042C0, 2, v0.5, 2016-08-01 05:02:14.895069).', hint: undefined, position: undefined, internalPosition: undefined, internalQuery: undefined, where: undefined, schema: 'public', table: 'spotted_pokemon', column: 'name', dataType: undefined, constraint: undefined, file: 'execMain.c', line: '1699', routine: 'ExecConstraints' }

above error is repeating for every pokémon found...

wjpvandenheuvel commented 7 years ago

Did u apply the latest sql patches? The name column from the spotted_pokemon table was dropped. Check the patches section in the readme.

hannahbanana commented 7 years ago

EDIT: never mind, silly question on my part. Sorted, thank you!