Bridgeconn / translationManager

Translation mangement plugin
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Progress Screen Refinement #78

Open klappy opened 7 years ago

klappy commented 7 years ago

As a Project Manager I want to see the progress of the Project broken down by Books so that I can see the overall progress.

All progress is based off of the Checkbox for each assignment for that milestone, for that chapter, for that book, for that project.

Progress bars will remain the same as before.


Projects are a collection of all language projects. Projects contain multiple language project.

Hindi (Project)

Project is a collection of all books for that language. Project contains multiple books.

(Milestone progress)

overall progress is total chapters completed for all books in that milestone divided by total number of chapters in the Bible

Genesis (Book)

A Book is a collection of all chapters for that book in that language. Books show progress for each milestone.

(Milestone progress)

book progress is total chapters completed for that book in that milestone divided by total number of chapters in that book.

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