When displaying an audio assignment, I get the following warning in the console:
WebGL warning: drawArraysInstanced: Drawing without vertex attrib 0 array enabled forces the browser to do expensive emulation work when running on desktop OpenGL platforms, for example on Mac. It is preferable to always draw with vertex attrib 0 array enabled, by using bindAttribLocation to bind some always-used attribute to location 0.
When displaying an audio assignment, I get the following warning in the console:
WebGL warning: drawArraysInstanced: Drawing without vertex attrib 0 array enabled forces the browser to do expensive emulation work when running on desktop OpenGL platforms, for example on Mac. It is preferable to always draw with vertex attrib 0 array enabled, by using bindAttribLocation to bind some always-used attribute to location 0.
That probably should be looked at.
assigning @krs-world and @quaiquai