Bridgewater / holochrome

Use your IAM role (from instance metadata) to open the AWS console
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Is the AWS URL match pattern correct? #7

Closed noahyonack closed 8 years ago

noahyonack commented 8 years ago

The current match pattern is*

When I navigate to this URL, I get redirected to

Should the URL match pattern in manifest.json be updated to account for these subdomains (e.g. https://**)?

ryansydnor commented 8 years ago

It looks like for all regions outside of 'us-east-1', the URL prepends the region as the subdomain.

Given I'm currently explicitly telling Chrome to open a tab with no subdomain, the current permissions in the manifest make sense.

For those developing outside of us-east-1, I can see this default being a bit of a headache. I could see bringing in options with a simple drop-down list of regions to get people where they need to be more quickly.

I have not yet tested this, but I believe we'd be able to retain the tight permissions and simply pass the region in the query string and have amazon redirect for us.

Have any interest in helping with the options? I could see it being valuable in the future for things like 'show me a list of my accounts and open a new window with the one I select logged in'. (would require a fair bit of work in hologram, but definitely possible!)

ryansydnor commented 8 years ago

Actually, upon further testing, it looks like the console retains your most recently used region and redirects you appropriately. I'm going to close this issue in the spirit of "the best feature is the one you don't have to build"!