BriefFiniteElementNet / BriefFiniteElement.Net

BriefFiniteElementDotNET (BFE.NET) is a library for linear-static Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of solids and structures in .NET
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Referencing Issue #52

Closed thaletob closed 4 years ago

thaletob commented 4 years ago

Good morning, I have got an independent problem while adding the new Element-Type (#43). I added the new class "ElementHelperExtensions.cs" to the BriefFiniteElements.CustomElements folder (code below).

// Project: VIT-V
// Program: BriefFiniteElement.Net - ElementHelpersExtension.cs
// Revision History
// Date          Author                         Description
// 11.06.2020    T.Thaler, M.Mischke            v1.0  
// Copyleft 2017-2020 by Brandenburg University of Technology. Intellectual proprerty 
// rights reserved in terms of LGPL license. This work is a research work of Brandenburg
// University of Technology. Use or copying requires an indication of the authors reference.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BriefFiniteElementNet.Elements;
using BriefFiniteElementNet.Integration;
using BriefFiniteElementNet.Common;

namespace BriefFiniteElementNet.Elements.ElementHelpers
    // not working so far
    public static class ElementHelperExtensions
        public static Matrix CalcLocalKMatrix_Quad(IElementHelper helper, Element targetElement)    // function is not recognized 
            var qq = targetElement as TriangleElement; 

            if (qq == null)
                throw new Exception();

            var trans = qq.GetLambdaMatrix().Transpose();

            var nb = helper.GetBMaxOrder(targetElement);
            var nd = qq.Material.GetMaxFunctionOrder();
            var nt = qq.Section.GetMaxFunctionOrder();
            var nj = helper.GetDetJOrder(targetElement);

            var sum = new int[3];

            foreach (var i in new int[][] { nb, nd, nb, nt, nj })
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    sum[j] += i[j];

            var nXi = sum[0] / 2 + 1;
            var nEta = sum[1] / 2 + 1;
            var nGama = sum[2] / 2 + 1;

            var intg = new GaussianIntegrator();

            intg.GammaPointCount = nGama;
            intg.XiPointCount = nXi;
            intg.EtaPointCount = nEta;

            intg.A2 = 1;
            intg.A1 = 0;

            intg.F2 = (gama => +1);
            intg.F1 = (gama => -1);

            intg.G2 = (eta, gama) => +1;
            intg.G1 = (eta, gama) => -1;   // formula 4.53 (Development of Membrane, Plate and Flat Shell Elements in Java) --> see GaussianIntegrator.cs for correct variable assignment

            intg.H = new FunctionMatrixFunction((xi, eta, gama) =>
                var b = helper.GetBMatrixAt(qq, xi, eta);
                var d = helper.GetDMatrixAt(qq, xi, eta);
                var j = helper.GetJMatrixAt(qq, xi, eta);
                var detj = Math.Abs(j.Determinant());

                var buf = new Matrix(b.ColumnCount, b.ColumnCount); // result matrix

                CalcUtil.Bt_D_B(b, d, buf);                         // multiplicates three matrices


                return buf;

            var res = intg.Integrate();

            return res;

My references on e.g. BriefFiniteElementNet.Common are not working, that is why the function I added (CalcLocalKMatrix_Quad) is not recognized by Visual Studio. Another file in the same folder (DKQHelper.cs) is working perfectly with identical references. Do you have any idea why it is not working?

Thank you!

thaletob commented 4 years ago

I found my mistake.