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Bright-Illumina collaboration
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Checking RPMs for 7.4.8; Lmod_test_suite does not pass any of the tests yet #80

Closed fgeorgatos closed 7 years ago

fgeorgatos commented 7 years ago

here's the current status; there's some issue around LMOD_VERSION but it's unclear if it is the cause:

[fgeorgatos@demo2 ~]$ cd Lmod_test_suite/
[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ export PATH=$HOME/Hermes/bin:$PATH
[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ tm .
TM Version: 1.7

Starting Tests:

     Started : 16:38:22 tst: 1/5 P/F: 0:0, rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1
        diff : 16:38:23 tst: 1/5 P/F: 0:1, rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1

     Started : 16:38:23 tst: 2/5 P/F: 0:1, rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1
        diff : 16:38:24 tst: 2/5 P/F: 0:2, rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1

     Started : 16:38:24 tst: 3/5 P/F: 0:2, rt/load/does_load_work/t1
      passed : 16:38:24 tst: 3/5 P/F: 1:2, rt/load/does_load_work/t1

     Started : 16:38:24 tst: 4/5 P/F: 1:2, rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1
        diff : 16:38:25 tst: 4/5 P/F: 1:3, rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1

     Started : 16:38:25 tst: 5/5 P/F: 1:3, rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1
      passed : 16:38:25 tst: 5/5 P/F: 2:3, rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1

Finished Tests

*** Test Results                                                                                            ***

Date:             Wed Apr 26 16:38:22 2017
Tag:              2017_04_26
TM Version:       1.7
Hermes Version:   2.4
Lua Version:      Lua 5.1
Total Test Time:  00:00:03.05

*** Test Summary                                                                                            ***

Total:   5
diff:    3
passed:  2

*******  *  ****   *********                                     ***************
Results  R  Time   Test Name                                     version/message
*******  *  ****   *********                                     ***************
passed   R  0.272  rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1
passed   R  0.415  rt/load/does_load_work/t1
diff     R  1.18   rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1
diff     R  0.512  rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1
diff     R  0.675  rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1

*******  ****************
Results  Output Directory
*******  ****************
diff     /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_26_16_38_22-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work
diff     /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/int_subshell/t1/2017_04_26_16_38_22-Linux-x86_64-does_a_subshell_work
diff     /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/subshell/t1/2017_04_26_16_38_22-Linux-x86_64-does_a_subshell_work

[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ ll /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_26_16_38_22-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work
total 40
-rwxrwxr-x 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos   86 Apr 26 16:38
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos  266 Apr 26 16:38 _err.left
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos 2436 Apr 26 16:38 _err.right
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos 2467 Apr 26 16:38 err.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos   30 Apr 26 16:38 results.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos 3305 Apr 26 16:38 _stderr.orig
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos  819 Apr 26 16:38 t1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos   97 Apr 26 16:38 t1.result
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos  266 Apr 26 16:38 t1.runtime
-rwx------ 1 fgeorgatos fgeorgatos 2002 Apr 26 16:38 t1.script
[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ cat /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_26_16_38_22-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work/t1.log
PATH: /home/fgeorgatos/Hermes/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
/home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/ eval: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/ eval: line 3: `unset LMOD_VERSION 2> /dev/null; unset LMOD_SETTARG_CMD 2> /dev/null; unset LMOD_CMD 2> /dev/null; unset LMOD_DIR 2> /dev/null; unset LMOD_PKG 2> /dev/null; unset PWD 2> /dev/null; unset SHLVL 2> /dev/null; unset BASH_FUNC_ml() 2> /dev/null; unset LMOD_FULL_SETTARG_SUPPORT 2> /dev/null; unset MODULESHOME 2> /dev/null; unset BASH_FUNC_module() 2> /dev/null; unset _ 2> /dev/null;'
sed -e 's/Lua: Version.*/Lua: Version/g' < /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/err.txt > _err.left
sed -e 's/Lua: Version.*/Lua: Version/g' < err.txt > _err.right
diff -c  _err.left _err.right > diff.log 2>&1
[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ head /home/fgeorgatos/Lmod_test_suite/rt/
  eval $($projectDir/tools/cleanEnv)

  rm -rf _stderr.orig
  cp $projectDir/{.bashrc,.bash_profile} $outputDir
[fgeorgatos@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$
rtmclay commented 7 years ago

Please tar the avail/t1/2017... directory and send it to me. I need to look at all the files in that directory.

All the tests pass for me.

fgeorgatos commented 7 years ago

@rtmclay: you got it! It could be something benign or very basic - do not be surprised

fgeorgatos commented 7 years ago

The no passing tests situation has been overcome, via a Hermes update, as seen below; there are still tests that need treatment, but I consider this a separate issue (possibly for 7.4.9):

[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ git show bafc9da19eb339b362d8dc448a0d73566cf0d2ec
commit bafc9da19eb339b362d8dc448a0d73566cf0d2ec
Author: Robert McLay <>
Date:   Fri Apr 28 14:33:37 2017 -0500

    update requirement on hermes

diff --git a/ b/
index 50e8a4a..597c12d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Please go to to join.
 To get ready to use this test suite please take the following steps:

 1. Install Lmod from either or
-2. Install Hermes from
+2. Install Hermes from (version 2.5+).

 ## Install:
(reverse-i-search)`e': git show bafc9da19eb339b362d8dc448a0d73566cf0d2^C
[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ export PATH=$HOME/hermes/bin:$PATH
[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ which tm
[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ tm .
TM Version: 1.7

Starting Tests:

     Started : 02:32:57 tst: 1/5 P/F: 0:0, rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1
        diff : 02:32:59 tst: 1/5 P/F: 0:1, rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1

     Started : 02:32:59 tst: 2/5 P/F: 0:1, rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1
        diff : 02:33:00 tst: 2/5 P/F: 0:2, rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1

     Started : 02:33:00 tst: 3/5 P/F: 0:2, rt/load/does_load_work/t1
      passed : 02:33:00 tst: 3/5 P/F: 1:2, rt/load/does_load_work/t1

     Started : 02:33:00 tst: 4/5 P/F: 1:2, rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1
        diff : 02:33:01 tst: 4/5 P/F: 1:3, rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1

     Started : 02:33:01 tst: 5/5 P/F: 1:3, rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1
      passed : 02:33:01 tst: 5/5 P/F: 2:3, rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1

Finished Tests

*** Test Results                                                                                                                                           ***

Date:             Sat Apr 29 02:32:57 2017
Tag:              2017_04_29
TM Version:       1.7
Hermes Version:   2.5
Lua Version:      Lua 5.1
Total Test Time:  00:00:03.58

*** Test Summary                                                                                                                                           ***

Total:   5
diff:    3
passed:  2

*******  *  ****   *********                                     ***************
Results  R  Time   Test Name                                     version/message
*******  *  ****   *********                                     ***************
passed   R  0.307  rt/exist/does_module_exist/t1
passed   R  0.44   rt/load/does_load_work/t1
diff     R  1.59   rt/avail/does_avail_work/t1
diff     R  0.559  rt/int_subshell/does_an_int_subshell_work/t1
diff     R  0.681  rt/subshell/does_a_subshell_work/t1

*******  ****************
Results  Output Directory
*******  ****************
diff     /home/fotis/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_29_02_32_57-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work
diff     /home/fotis/Lmod_test_suite/rt/int_subshell/t1/2017_04_29_02_32_57-Linux-x86_64-does_a_subshell_work
diff     /home/fotis/Lmod_test_suite/rt/subshell/t1/2017_04_29_02_32_57-Linux-x86_64-does_a_subshell_work

[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$ ll /home/fotis/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_29_02_32_57-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work/t1.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 fotis fotis 331 Apr 29 02:32 /home/fotis/Lmod_test_suite/rt/avail/t1/2017_04_29_02_32_57-Linux-x86_64-does_avail_work/t1.log
[fotis@demo2 Lmod_test_suite]$

therefor, closing