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Flash media and Quicktime media will not play on Firestorm #8

Closed Whirly-Fizzle closed 9 years ago

Whirly-Fizzle commented 9 years ago

Flash media is either not installed or not enabled on the host system. Quicktime does not appear to be installed. This causes all Flash/Quicktime based parcel media, shared media/media on a prim and inworld TV's to be broken.

Steps To Reproduce - Flash media

Observed Error message displays as shown in Fig 1 attached.

fig 1

Observed Error message stating Flash player is not installed or not enabled - see Fig 2 attached.

fig 2

Steps To Reproduce - Quicktime media

Attempt to watch the following quicktime movie using shared media/media on a prim, parcel media or within the inworld browser:


fig 3

Webkit itself is working as expected - ie) Login screen image loads, web profiles are viewable and inworld search is functional.

nikolaboz commented 9 years ago

This will be resolved by installing Flash/QT or whatever else is needed into the Sandbox and re-publishing to Production.

BrightCanopy commented 9 years ago

This is resolved. I was able to play a youtube video on a prim block and also see the video in the preview. Worked with Support, but it turns out this is something we can do ourselves when installing the app, I'll just have to watch the order we do things.