As an admin user, I want to see a list of all employees with options for adding, deleting, updating, or filtering, so I can perform management on this catalog.
There is no specific design for this screen, but the following image could serve for inspiration
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Only frontend (ui) implementation is required
[x] Buttons for adding, updating, removing or deleting users must be included
[x] The following fields must be considered: employee number, employee name, email and department
Se incluye los botones de la paginación y el mensaje sobre la cantidad de entradas? Hay algún estándar sobre los iconos?, en la imagen me parece que son los de Google
As an admin user, I want to see a list of all employees with options for adding, deleting, updating, or filtering, so I can perform management on this catalog.
There is no specific design for this screen, but the following image could serve for inspiration
Acceptance Criteria