I fixed a trouble with the routing of the app, there was a double root route, so I deleted the second one
I added all tribo brand colors as Tailwind Variants
I installed Google Fonts and configured it to be usable in Rails
I added all families, weights, responsive sizes and styes for fonts
I add the tribo logo (and its variants), the tribo icon, the pins for the map and the floating label dialogue box in .svg
I added and configured the favicon of the app using the tribo icon
I installed Font Awesome and configured it to be usable in Rails
I added the presets Button, Input, Modal, SideBar, NavBar, Select Menu following the design of the components presented in the Style Guide page of the Figma file
I refactored the NavBar menu to illustrate how to use its Presets and change some HTML structure
Why? All these configurations and presets will help the team to follow the same path , as far as style is concerned, and for those presets to be easily maintainable and able to scale if necessary 😄
No testing were added since mostly these are style changes and configurations.
No testing were added since mostly these are style changes and configurations.