BrightMindEnrichment / StreetCare

BrightMindEnrichment is a Non-Profit Organization which helps homeless people. StreetCare is name of Android application of BME.
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implemented a search bar along with its functionality and fixed bugs. #27

Closed TYJ99 closed 8 months ago

TYJ99 commented 9 months ago

What we have done:

  1. Implemented a search bar along with its functionality.
  2. Fix the bugs:

    (a.) Before: When adding a new event through the app, we would get UNKNOWN UNKNOWN for the month and year, and NA for the day on the events list. After: Display the correct month, year, and day on the events list when adding a new event through the app.

    (b.) Changed the format of time display in 'Add Event', ensuring to display the time in the format ”hh:mm”. Taking 9 am as an example: Before: It would display as "9:0". After: The update, it will display as "09:00".

    (c.) Before: When the bottom sheet is expanded, clicking the 'heart button' on the event list does not reflect the result on the 'heart button' on the bottom sheet for the same selected event. Additionally, the area displaying the profile image and the number of users interested in the event does not display the expected results when clicking the 'heart button' on either the event list or the bottom sheet. After: The 'heart button' behaves consistently across the event list and bottom sheet. The area displaying the profile image and the number of users interested in the event accurately reflects the results accordingly. Added a progress bar when loading events from firebase to event fragment