BrightMindEnrichment / StreetCare

BrightMindEnrichment is a Non-Profit Organization which helps homeless people. StreetCare is name of Android application of BME.
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Sync with web app events #44

Closed TYJ99 closed 6 months ago

TYJ99 commented 6 months ago
  1. Separated Events page to past events page and upcoming events page.

  2. Events is sorted in descending order in past events page and in ascending order in upcoming events page.

  3. For the cardView and bottom sheet of the events in both events pages: a. I added new fields to both of them to display additional event information. b. The button displays 'Registered' after users click the RSVP or Sign Up for the Event button. c. If the event has passed, 'Expired' will be displayed on the button and it will be disabled. d. If the event has passed and the user has attended, 'Attended' will be shown on the button, also disabled. e. If the event reaches maximum capacity, 'Event Full' will appear on the button, which will be disabled. f. If the event is verified, the button will display 'Verified' with a verified icon(blue check) and the card border will turn blue.

  4. The filter for past events remains unchanged. The filter for upcoming events changed to "Select...", "Next 7 days", "Next 30 days", "Next 60 days", "Next 90 days","Other upcoming events", and "Reset".

  5. Added new fields for "Add Event" section.

  6. When the bottom sheet open, make event list RecyclerView unclickable, and also make the search bar unclickable.

  7. Changed the style of RSVP button and Changed unregister to deregister

  8. Added new feature displaying registered events