BrightMindEnrichment / StreetCare

BrightMindEnrichment is a Non-Profit Organization which helps homeless people. StreetCare is name of Android application of BME.
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Community help request yen #47

Closed TYJ99 closed 4 months ago

TYJ99 commented 4 months ago

Implemented Help Requests page on Community section.

  1. There are three status for help request: 'need help', 'help is on the way', and 'help received'.
  2. If the status is 'need help', users can click 'I can help' to either create a new outreach event or RSVP an existing outreach related to this help request.
  3. The status will change to 'help is on the way' if users click 'I can help' or when it is initially created by the user. When the status is 'help is on the way', the user who created the help request will have the option to mark it as help received, and other users can click 'cancel help' to retract their offer.
  4. Only the person who created the Help Request originally can see the 'mark as help received' option. Once the status goes to 'Help Received', the same user should be able to see the 'Reopen Help Request' option, and the process repeats itself. Again, the status would change to 'Need Help' once the creator marks it as reopened. The idea is the creator of a help request needs to keep an eye on the HR status and mark it as received once satisfied with the requirement.
  5. Implemented the feature that allow users to create help request through the Android App.