BrightcoveOS / Diamond

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customized collector not collecting data #826

Closed andrewCSE closed 7 years ago

andrewCSE commented 9 years ago

diamond-setup -c /etc/diamond/diamond.conf -C XenvmCollector XenvmCollector {'path_suffix': '', 'splay': 1, 'measure_collector_time': False, 'interval': '60', 'byte_unit': ['byte'], 'path_prefix': 'monitor.usdev800.10_32_70_0', 'path': 'virtualmachines', 'instance_prefix': 'instances', 'enabled': True, 'method': 'Sequential', 'hostname': '10_32_70_12_1e29028d-c493-46d3-8c45-7ab4d8d9f39c'}

my OS: Linux 0-25-90-68-7a-d 3.8.13- #2 SMP Fri Jun 19 16:29:40 PDT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Diamond version 3.3.544

Another wired thing, the data is collected if I restart diamond

andrewCSE commented 9 years ago

When I run diamond in foreground mode, I can see my collector is loaded, is scheduled and starts collecting data. I can also run my collector using the -r option to just run my single collector, and it works fine. However, this only allows me to run it once and exit, but I need to continuously collecting the data, and I don't want to restart diamond as the restarting interrupt the other collectors. Is there any way to solve this issue? or walk-around method?

Thanks a lot.

kormoc commented 7 years ago

This repo has moved to

Please open a new ticket there if this issue is not resolved with the current code there.
