BrightcoveOS / Roku-Sample-App

Sample application for Roku using Brightcove VideoCloud
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Ads in Brightcove Roku App #7

Open jonfreeman33 opened 9 years ago

jonfreeman33 commented 9 years ago

I know this is an old topic but I figured I would give it a shot. Is there any way to insert preroll and midroll ads using this code?

I've looked through the code and can't seem to find the area, if there is one.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

bdeitte commented 9 years ago

There's no way to dynamically insert an ad with the code as written. You could perhaps use the Brightcove Once product for this, but I haven't tried that out (yet).

If you'd like to add anything for this, I would love to see it! I am trying to make some updates to this project, currently hosted elsewhere (but which will come back to this repo or a new one).

jonfreeman33 commented 9 years ago

I have a JavaScript format of a plugin that I would like to use, but I am a beginner when it comes to Brightscript. If you have a direction you could point me in so I can either rewrite the plugin into Brightscript, or a converter, if there is one. Thanks!

bdeitte commented 9 years ago

I am a beginner myself, just started playing around this week. Unfortunately Brightscript does not seem to have a lot of tools and utilities for it, so I don't think you'll find any converters out there. As for rewriting, here's some good starting points:

Roku developer main page: Getting started slides: Getting started doc:

I also noticed in the forums (linked off of the developer main page) someone who did have a VAST parser awhile ago who would give it to you if you email them.

bdeitte commented 9 years ago
And there's a lot of people who could probably convert this plugin for you, including the Brightcove consulting group that I know has Brightscript experience.
adiffmike commented 9 years ago

Hi I wrote this app originally ....

So there's an existing Roku provided VAST SDK here

It only supports Pre-Roll ads AFAICT. Mid-rolls are hard and nasty unless you use something like Unicorn which stitches the ads in.

jonfreeman33 commented 9 years ago

So say I used a Code Cue Point on Brightcove for my videos, is there a way to write in a "Listener" that would listen for the string of code that is sent when the cue point is reached? This is ultimately what the plugin I have does, it's just in the wrong language.

bdeitte commented 9 years ago

adiffmike thanks for checking in, and for the link! I completely missed that in my short learning time so far.

I do hope to be testing out Unicorn (now Brightcove Once) this week with the app, if I can get to it.

sudo97 commented 7 years ago

How about Roku Advertising Framework?

bdeitte commented 7 years ago

I never did get to any of the above, and I don't think anybody else has looked into this. Anybody is welcome to submit a PR for Roku Advertising Framework!

sudo97 commented 7 years ago

btw, the app is already old, Roku now have Scene Graph. Maybe need a new application?

bdeitte commented 7 years ago

Perhaps! I should note I am not very involved with Brightcove very much myself anymore, so I won't be looking at this myself. But I am sure there are people who would love to see a rework here.