Brightspace / D2L.Security.OAuth2

Brightspace OAuth 2.0 for C#
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 16 forks source link

make ecdsa linux-compatible #177

Closed omsmith closed 3 years ago

omsmith commented 3 years ago


Test run for /home/omsmith/dev/d2l/D2L.Security.OAuth2/test/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/net50/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests.dll (.NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.9.4
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
  Failed ValidateAsync_BadSignature_Fails [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

  Failed ValidateAsync_GoodSignature_Succeeds [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

  Failed WebCrypto ES256 [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

  Failed WebCrypto ES384 [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

  Failed WebCrypto ES512 [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

  Failed ValidateAsync_KeyIdNotInAuthService_Fails [34 ms]
  Error Message:
   OneTimeSetUp: System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

Setup failed for test fixture D2L.Security.OAuth2.Validation.AccessTokens.AccessTokenValidatorTests+EcDsa
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521)
  ----> System.Exception : Unknown curve: ECDSA_P521

Failed!  - Failed:     6, Passed:    23, Skipped:     0, Total:    29, Duration: 2 s - /home/omsmith/dev/d2l/D2L.Security.OAuth2/test/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/net50/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests.dll (net5.0)
omsmith commented 3 years ago


Test run for /home/omsmith/dev/d2l/D2L.Security.OAuth2/test/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/net472/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests.dll (.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.9.4
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find 'mono' host. Make sure that 'mono' is installed on the machine and is available in PATH environment variable.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Helpers.DotnetHostHelper.GetMonoPath()
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Hosting.DefaultTestHostManager.GetTestHostProcessStartInfo(IEnumerable`1 sources, IDictionary`2 environmentVariables, TestRunnerConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Client.ProxyOperationManager.SetupChannel(IEnumerable`1 sources, String runSettings)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine.Client.ProxyExecutionManager.StartTestRun(TestRunCriteria testRunCriteria, ITestRunEventsHandler eventHandler)

Test Run Aborted.
Test run for /home/omsmith/dev/d2l/D2L.Security.OAuth2/test/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/net50/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests.dll (.NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.9.4
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.

Passed!  - Failed:     0, Passed:    29, Skipped:     0, Total:    29, Duration: 2 s - /home/omsmith/dev/d2l/D2L.Security.OAuth2/test/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/net50/D2L.Security.OAuth2.IntegrationTests.dll (net5.0)