BrikerMan / Kashgari

Kashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework built on top of tf.keras for text-labeling and text-classification, includes Word2Vec, BERT, and GPT2 Language Embedding.
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[Question] how to k-fold evaluation with kashgari #411

Closed Jefffish09 closed 4 years ago

Jefffish09 commented 4 years ago

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请问在NER场景下进行k折交叉验证呢?用demo code试了几次套进去都不行,根据网上Evaluate the Performance Of Deep Learning Models in Keras,不知道如何改来进行k折交叉验证,请帮忙看看。

Demo code:

from kashgari.corpus import ChineseDailyNerCorpus
from kashgari.tasks.labeling import BiLSTM_Model

train_x, train_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('train')
valid_x, valid_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('valid')
test_x, test_y = ChineseDailyNerCorpus.load_data('test')

model = BiLSTM_Model(), train_y, valid_x, valid_y)

model.evaluate(test_x, test_y)'saved_ner_model')
BrikerMan commented 4 years ago

You need to implement it by yourself, remember to check the report object to get the right metric you need.


from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
import numpy as np
from kashgari.corpus import SMP2018ECDTCorpus
from kashgari.tasks.classification import BiLSTM_Model

# fix random seed for reproducibility
seed = 7

# Combine all data for k-folding

train_x, train_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('train')
valid_x, valid_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('valid')
test_x, test_y = SMP2018ECDTCorpus.load_data('test')

X = train_x + valid_x + test_x
Y = train_y + valid_y + test_y

# define 10-fold cross validation test harness
k_fold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)
scores = []

for train_indexs, test_indexs in k_fold.split(X, Y):
    train_x, train_y = [], []
    test_x, test_y = [], []

    for i in train_indexs:

    assert len(train_x) == len(train_y)
    for i in test_indexs:

    assert len(test_x) == len(test_y)
    model = BiLSTM_Model(), train_y, epochs=10)

    report = model.evaluate(test_x, test_y)
    # extract your target metric from report, for example f1

print(f"{np.mean(scores):.2f}  (+/- {np.std(scores):.2f})")
Jefffish09 commented 4 years ago

Perfect! Thanks!