BrikerMan / Kashgari

Kashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework built on top of tf.keras for text-labeling and text-classification, includes Word2Vec, BERT, and GPT2 Language Embedding.
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简单调用BiLSTM_CRF模型,使用最基本bert-chinese作为embedding,运行报错layer_crf does not support masking #496

Closed Zikangli closed 2 years ago

Zikangli commented 2 years ago

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模型fit的时候,报错:layer_crf does not support masking, but was passed an input_mask: Tensor("non_masking_layer/Identity_1:0" 很奇怪,kashgari里面的代码都没改动。 我看,就BertEmbedding里面有个自定义的NonMaskingLayer。我把它注释了,直接bert的embed_model.output,模型fit也报错:layer_crf does not support masking, but was passed an input_mask: Tensor("Encoder-Output/All:0" `def _build_model(self, **kwargs): if self.embed_model is None: seq_len = self.sequence_length if isinstance(seq_len, tuple): seq_len = seq_len[0] if isinstance(seq_len, str): logging.warning(f"Model will be built until sequence length is determined") return config_path = os.path.join(self.model_folder, 'bert_config.json') check_point_path = os.path.join(self.model_folder, 'bert_model.ckpt') bert_model = keras_bert.load_trained_model_from_checkpoint(config_path, check_point_path, seq_len=seq_len, output_layer_num=self.layer_nums,, trainable=self.trainable)

        self._model = tf.keras.Model(bert_model.inputs, bert_model.output)
        bert_seq_len = int(bert_model.output.shape[1])
        if bert_seq_len < seq_len:
            logging.warning(f"Sequence length limit set to {bert_seq_len} by pre-trained model")
            self.sequence_length = bert_seq_len
        self.embedding_size = int(bert_model.output.shape[-1])
        output_features = NonMaskingLayer()(bert_model.output)   ## 这里有个NonMaskingLayer()
        self.embed_model = tf.keras.Model(bert_model.inputs, output_features)    ## 如果把这两行注释了,直接bert_model.output也报错
        # self.embed_model = tf.keras.Model(bert_model.inputs, bert_model.output)
        logging.warning(f'seq_len: {self.sequence_length}')`


Zikangli commented 2 years ago

