BrimeNotes / android

Android App for Brime
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Update Login Flow #72

Closed imujjwal96 closed 7 years ago

imujjwal96 commented 7 years ago
  1. Change Placeholder from EMAIL to USERNAME.
  2. For the time being, avoid hashing of password using hashText
  3. The API is now located at. . Update the URL in the app. Here are the routes implemented in the API till now. image

'user/login' => ['Users#login', 'post'] This means that a post request is sent to url which calls the function login in Application/Controllers/UsersController

The code for the API can is located at

nervehammer commented 7 years ago

@imujjwal96 please check the PR

imujjwal96 commented 7 years ago

Closed this via edd9d34fa3494ac11cbecb69882156e62654ea5d Great job @nervehammer