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Can anyone talk about site performance and optimisation? #260

Open AshKyd opened 6 years ago

AshKyd commented 6 years ago

There's a bunch of performance info out there. Can someone distill this down to a top 10 performance tips for a speedy site?

drpitman76 commented 10 months ago

This is very old, if no-one has covered this yet (or recently) and people are interested I would be happy to do this one anytime...

theharold9000 commented 6 months ago

Hey @drpitman76, picking back up on this - I think there'd be a fair bit of interest in there, are you still happy to present a talk on the topic?

drpitman76 commented 6 months ago

Yes, I would - but I've presented twice in the last two meetups so I thought it would be good to take a rest for a few months before doing anymore... I actually have an idea for this present as a lightning talk, but was going to wait a bit to suggest it. My focus would be on things that can be done right in the client-side HTML, which is often overlooked.