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Programmer's Health: A Space Time Odyssey #283

Closed srsgores closed 5 years ago

srsgores commented 6 years ago

You are what you eat: words, coupled with increasing studies released in the past decade which convinced me to really take a look at my dietary choices as a programmer. I propose a talk to go over my journey to plant-based nutrition: a story about a programmer's perspective on health, how to understand nutrition, what to look for in foods, and strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a programmer. It's a catalogue of my trials and tribulations on finding plant-based lifestyle helped me to lose 20 kgs in 6 weeks. It's not a talk of "this is the one-size diet that fits all"; rather, it's a talk about strategies to adapting a healthier lifestyle, how to overcome nutrition obstacles during a lifestyle transition, and how to be more social along the way (having a social life is really important!).

Today's Workplaces are Unhealthy

Today's workplaces promote a largely sedentary work lifestyle where we might be lucky to get outside on a daily basis. We spend 6-8 hours at a minimum staring at screens, often never to speak to anyone else outside of IM (Slack, Mattermost, etc.). By the end of the day, we just want to relax on the couch, watch some Netflix. Working out is seldom an option for our busy lives; we have families, obligations, and sometimes even second jobs to maintain enough income to support any combination thereof.

But what if we could feel good and still have time for our loved ones?

Let's Debunk Programmer Health Myths

I want to clear the air, and debunk myths about health and nutrition -- to set the record straight based on years of scientific research. I think nutrition can be fun and not a boring topic:

How to Take Action Today

Seeing is believing. A look at some of the staples I've eaten over the years, how long each of those meals took to prepare, and the nutrients each provides.

You can make the transition by keeping yourself up to date on the scientific research and healthy foods to include in your diet:

Let's Change the Programmer Nutrition Landscape

The talk will likely take a 30-minute slot. I think this talk would largely benefit the programming community to encourage better, healthier workplaces.

ichpuchtli commented 6 years ago

I'm super interested in this talk. I've trying to find ways to make my work life balance healthier for a while too.

I recently adopted several of the recommendations in this book by Dr Rangan Chatterjee (A leading function / lifestyle medicine practitioner)


I also highly recommend P Mathew Walker's Book "Why we sleep"

Gut Microbiome / Gut-Brain Connection is another really interesting space.

Mitochondrial health is also super interesting. I'm looking for other good books on Mitochondria atm but this is one.

Really look forward to this talk I don't know why its not talked about more often.

iamkevinv commented 6 years ago

Hi @srsgores - Thanks for your contribution again - can i confirm you for next week's lineup (It's on Monday, September 3, 2018)? I've slipped getting the announcement out due to various health issues (ironically)! I'd like to send that out ASAP. Thanks....

srsgores commented 6 years ago

Actually, no, I will not be able to deliver the talk until December at the earliest. I think that will be better for everyone, as they set New Year's resolutions.

srsgores commented 5 years ago

So as we move towards the December meetup, what date will it fall on? I need to determine whether I would still be able to deliver the talk because I may not be in the Brisbane area

iamkevinv commented 5 years ago

@srsgores - says Dec 3rd. Hope you can make it :)

srsgores commented 5 years ago

Hey @iamkevinv

Sorry to say that with the timing of my return to Australia, I won't be able to present this December.

Perhaps this talk will better suit a January, with everyone setting New Year's resolutions.

Let me know what you think.

iamkevinv commented 5 years ago

We’re back in Feb - so we can target that one ☝️

srsgores commented 5 years ago

I've got the slides up here

Get ready for more memes!

iamkevinv commented 5 years ago

Hi @srsgores - Can i confirm you for next week please?

srsgores commented 5 years ago

Yes, I'll be good to go 👍