BrisJS / meetups
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JS where the random things go. Always be _____! #50

Closed govpack closed 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

Our site uses cookies, which our Oompa Loompas munch on to keep our site running.

from just as we have

hip-hop, and


(baba brinkman rapping to shakespeare and chaucer, as below) we also have

chip-hop Mc Plus+ - Man Vs Machine

with mc++ and @marak being 2 notable proponents WORLD PREMIER EXCLUSIVE GIT RAP BROUGHT TO YOU BY GITHUB

govpack commented 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

marak squires is the remixed bill gates

caught smiling after speeding, thinking man that's fun

speaking of New Mexico in 1848 america acquired texas, california, and utah... speaking of New Mexico in 1848 america acquired texas, california, and utah, after invading and occupying mexico city in 1847. It didn't stop the people breeding, Mexico City has the same population as australia, about 22 million people.

govpack commented 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

We're 55 js hackers cancunenses

in Chrome right click for the contexmenu and in between [Print...] and [View source] there should be [Translate to {{your_language}}]

En este grupo aprenderemos a desarrollar aplicaciones y juegos para web y dispositivos móviles utilizando JavaScript. La idea es desarrollar nuestras habilidades, conocer nuevas tecnologías y relacionarte con otras personas. Si sabes programar en JavaScript, no importando si eres experto o principiante, y te interesa aprender y compartir tus conocimientos, únete a nuestro grupo.

This group will learn to develop applications and games for web and mobile devices using JavaScript . The idea is to develop our skills, learn new technologies and interact with others . If you know how to program in JavaScript , no matter if you are an expert or beginner, and are interested in learning and sharing your knowledge , join our group.

govpack commented 9 years ago

listening to the workflows of Marak - The Git Rap.wav ZOMG ITS GIT RAP TIME

govpack commented 9 years ago i follow this channel, and watch it weekly, like realtity tv, it's the ipython notebook dev team meeting, out of berkley. it's the command console meets the browser, python meets javascript, meets the bikeshed, meets refactoring and additions, meets the the minutiae of someone explaining their change logs, meets nice work team, - ployglot browser based consoles are the future, that's what i'm working to improve on, so there are parallels i can relate to, and some happy differences!! 1:19:09 IPython Lab Meeting by IPython

9 minutes ago No views

nine minutes, no views, i'll give it a big +1 by watching it

govpack commented 9 years ago

execSync() now working in newer versions of node

i recently got iojs and hence cp.execSync() working after posting an issue it was my issue not theirs, and @Fishrock123 got me pointed in the right direction :-)

function execSync(/*comand, options*/) {  
var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments);  
var inheritStderr = opts.options ? !opts.options.stdio : true;  
var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args, opts.options);  ret.cmd = opts.cmd;  
if (inheritStderr)    process.stderr.write(ret.stderr);  
var err = checkExecSyncError(ret); 
 if (err)    throw err;  else    return ret.stdout;}

i'll look that up and explain where the bug was, because it was an important one to me, and quite the revelation when i found it, thanks fishrock The Frames - Revelate

My simple slant. This broken chant My humble fate. My revelate Are you so far from me this day That you can't say my revelate My open arms. My lucky charms My number eight. My revelate I fucked it up. I rest my case Cause it's all to grey. My revelate Sometimes I need your revelation Sometimes I need a revelation

govpack commented 9 years ago

Always be learning! Always be testing! Always be trolling! but there's no need to focus on any excessively on of those things, because they are an intrinsic part of getting anything done (yoda+nike was trying to tell us that) this is where academics and academia from an early age has lead us all astray -- lets spend 12 years ±1,2,3,4,5 loading up the suitcase with a lot of things you probably won't use, nice

govpack commented 9 years ago

Is your Gherkin kosher?

┌───────────jira-kosher────────────────────────────┐ ├── ♫ Gherkin/JIRA Automator ├── ♫ N20479 ├── ♫ TE:mocha -t 999999 ├── ♫ CMD:iojs.exe C:/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -t 999999 ├── ♫ WD:mocha

no because it stalled the process and won't time out for ages, it's the deps, peeps they are a major hassle. maybe the app ought to take more responsibility for bootstrapping

Not kosher, but in certain rare circumstances you could use this to read a pickle...

┌────────jpickle───────────────────────────┐ ├── ♫ Full-javascript parser for Python's pickle format ├── ♫ TE:mocha ├── ♫ CMD:iojs.exe C:/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha

pickle version 2 classes √ should decode simple classes √ should decode simple classes in a container √ should decode classes containing classes √ should decode a subclass and a superclass √ should decode classes containing method

pickle version 0 √ should decode none √ should decode integers √ should decode booleans √ should decode floats √ should decode longstrings √ should decode strings √ should decode unicodes √ should decode tuples √ should decode lists √ should decode dicts √ should handle pop √ should handle pop_mark √ should handle dup √ should handle put / get

pickle version 1 √ should decode integers √ should decode floats √ should decode strings √ should decode unicodes √ should decode tuples √ should decode lists √ should decode dicts √ should handle put / get

pickle version 2 √ should decode booleans √ should decode longs to zero √ should decode tuples √ should decode naive datetimes √ should decode aware datetimes

complex example √ should decode a complex example

33 passing (15ms)

govpack commented 9 years ago

Speaking of issues (issues on issues, migrating issues)

"they're going to break, just break, they'll just break" (a good thing)

and a Rumsfield moment in there,

getting killed with the ipython/name change, or WAY too much diligence, or being trapped by being able to automate the github api

[hey, just email the list of contributors about the new repo, and if they have any current issues, to check the current build and make a fresh post to the new project if it is still an issue] no code required

now they are migrating their docs away, from sphinx and into their own notebook format, which has gone from sqlite and now thru a few versions, of JSON as the container, and a fantastic demonstration of its mixed utility for descriptions, code editing, and markdown type layouts.

govpack commented 9 years ago

T minus 00:00:45 "the flight computer has control of the vehicle"

screenshot 11

new hampshire acquisition of signal

Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 1h1 hour ago

Ascent successful. Dragon enroute to Space Station. Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival.

screenshot 13

govpack commented 9 years ago

David Beazley - Modules and Packages: Live and Let Die! - PyCon 2015 David Beazley is speaking about python paths modules, env's and imports

for 3 hours!!!

he is one bad ass "it's modules all the way down, module objects, it's hard to describe how dumb import is in some way" ~ David Beazley

govpack commented 9 years ago

dunder this and dunder that

govpack commented 9 years ago

__proto__ is now legit Object.prototype.proto already exists today in most browsers, its behavior has only been standardized recently in the new ECMAScript 6 specification

re:new/newish browser features, use them and let the older browsers break

it's the only way FORWARD -- web developers SHOULD have been doing this the whole time -- a crappy browser deserves a crappy experience, when updating is simple and free why should this have ever been a problem? a problem only created by SOFTʷᵃʳᵉ developers who set out to appease everyone (and mobile into the mix). IE 5.5 was a winner it had all the stuff html5 is only getting now (vectors, transitions, behaviours, etc, etc, etc) they had to stop to let the others catch up, instead people made them a scapegoat for their own incompetence, and inability to just let things fail and move on.

re: proto or using prototype to add methods to existing objects, why bother?

what's wrong with just a set of functions, and leaving objects to contain just data, OOPs you did it again, over complicated things. prototype doesn't work for dynamically run code after page load, so it's always been a bit of a non starter for me.

opps, where have the underscores gone

govpack commented 9 years ago

  1. I don't know jQuery, markdown, or much of CSS3
    • CSS3 and markdown i need more of
    • as for the other one - ignorance is bliss (and never becomes a nice word)
govpack commented 9 years ago

Raymond Hettinger

just fixed everything i hate about JSON with this joke a long "o" ~ lol

govpack commented 9 years ago

MC Plus+ w/ DJ Lord Illingworth "Uploaded on Dec 8, 2006. This is taken from the Purdue CS Employee Appreciation Social. It features MC Plus+ and DJ Lord Illingworth entertaining the Purdue CS facutly, staff, and students."

govpack commented 9 years ago

above i mentioned that when updating to a more recent version of node...

...was failing for a some existing code i had i had some code that worked, i tried in on a new MINOR version of node and it failed which was bugging me because i had been wanting to use execSync() for a while

the issue and subsequent solution is described here: it was solved after posting an issue to the iojs repo, thanks people

my conclusions from this:

No amount of unit testing would have solved this, working directly on the code itself is the MAIN thing!! Version numbers, unit tests, install/setup/config, and especially comments (particularly this one ;-) are a weakness, and a sickness.

govpack commented 9 years ago

✑ hop

govpack commented 9 years ago
      • Image result for when was vim released
  1. 1991
    Vim, Initial release date
govpack commented 9 years ago
govpack commented 9 years ago
  1. Vim
  2. Vim is a clone of Bill Joy's vi editor for Unix. It was written by Bram Moolenaar based on source for a port of the Stevie editor to the Amiga and first released publicly in 1991. Wikipedia
govpack commented 9 years ago

The original EMACS was written in 1976 by Richard Stallman and Guy L. Steele, Jr. as a set of Editor MACroS for the TECO editor. "Vim" is an acronym for "Vi IMproved" Bram Moolenaar began working on Vim for the Amiga computer in 1988. Moolenaar first publicly released Vim (v1.14) in 1991.

govpack commented 9 years ago


govpack commented 9 years ago


govpack commented 9 years ago


govpack commented 9 years ago

27MB of files to support one font ~ it's got the lot because it's awesome

i'm happy that it's there, just don't expect me to care, or understand

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govpack commented 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

lodash@1.2.1 node_modules\lodash js-yaml@2.0.5 node_modules\js-yaml └── esprima@1.0.4 svgo@0.3.7 node_modules\svgo ├── colors@0.6.2 ├── whet.extend@0.9.9 ├── sax@0.5.8 └── coa@0.3.9 (q@0.8.12) argparse@0.1.16 node_modules\argparse ├── underscore@1.7.0 └── underscore.string@2.4.0

govpack commented 9 years ago


govpack commented 9 years ago

javascript var yesno = require('yesno'); yesno.ask('Dude, Is this groovy or what?',true, function(ok) { if(ok) { console.log("Tubular."); } else { console.log("Aw, why you gotta be like that?") } }, ['groovy'],['or what']);

govpack commented 9 years ago

✑ hop

govpack commented 9 years ago

Doot Doot Meme

govpack commented 9 years ago

a little over dramatic, but the test suite fails at the end with this...

Fatal error: expected true to be false

module.js:318 throw err; ^

"Fatal error: expected true to be false " ~ lol

git clone noflo/noflo . npm install grunt build

grunt test

Welcome to Git (version 1.9.5-preview20150319) Run 'git help git' to display the help index. Run 'git help ' to display help for specific commands. Administrator@WIN-UK34S8Q3M1F /c/Z/S/4/9/Ax/75/1 $ git clone . Cloning into '.'... remote: Counting objects: 6191, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57/57), done. remote: Total 6191 (delta 29), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 6132 Receiving objects: 100% (6191/6191), 1.64 MiB | 439.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3308/3308), done.

Checking connectivity... done.

phantomjs@1.9.16 install C:\Z\S\4\9\Ax\75\1\node_modules\grunt-mocha-phantomjs\node_modules\phantomjs node install.js

Download already available at C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\phantomjs\ Extracting zip contents Removing node_modules\phantomjs\lib\phantom Copying extracted folder C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\phantomjs\\phantomjs-1.9.8-windows -> node_modules\grunt-mocha-phantomjs\node_modules\phantomjs\lib\phantom Writing location.js file grunt-cafe-mocha@0.1.13 node_modules\grunt-cafe-mocha

underscore@1.8.3 node_modules\underscore

fbp@1.1.3 node_modules\fbp

npmlog@0.0.6 node_modules\npmlog └── ansi@0.2.1

eval@0.1.0 node_modules\eval └── require-like@0.1.2

grunt-noflo-manifest@0.1.11 node_modules\grunt-noflo-manifest └── gitgo@0.5.1

chai-json-schema@1.1.0 node_modules\chai-json-schema ├── tv4@1.0.18 └── jsonpointer.js@0.3.0

coffee-script@1.9.2 node_modules\coffee-script

cli@0.6.6 node_modules\cli ├── exit@0.1.2 └── glob@3.2.11 (inherits@2.0.1, minimatch@0.3.0)

chai@1.9.2 node_modules\chai ├── assertion-error@1.0.0 └── deep-eql@0.1.3 (type-detect@0.1.1)

grunt-contrib-coffee@0.11.1 node_modules\grunt-contrib-coffee ├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0.2.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0, has-ansi@0.1.0) ├── coffee-script@1.7.1 (mkdirp@0.3.5) └── lodash@2.4.1

grunt-contrib-watch@0.6.1 node_modules\grunt-contrib-watch ├── async@0.2.10 ├── gaze@0.5.1 (globule@0.1.0) ├── tiny-lr-fork@0.0.5 (debug@0.7.4, faye-websocket@0.4.4, noptify@0.0.3, qs@0.5.6) └── lodash@2.4.1

mocha@1.21.5 node_modules\mocha ├── escape-string-regexp@1.0.2 ├── diff@1.0.8 ├── growl@1.8.1 ├── commander@2.3.0 ├── debug@2.0.0 (ms@0.6.2) ├── mkdirp@0.5.0 (minimist@0.0.8) ├── glob@3.2.3 (inherits@2.0.1, graceful-fs@2.0.3, minimatch@0.2.14) └── jade@0.26.3 (commander@0.6.1, mkdirp@0.3.0)

grunt-cli@0.1.13 node_modules\grunt-cli ├── resolve@0.3.1 ├── nopt@1.0.10 (abbrev@1.0.5) └── findup-sync@0.1.3 (glob@3.2.11, lodash@2.4.1)

shell@0.2.10 node_modules\shell ├── pad@0.0.8 ├── optimist@0.6.1 (wordwrap@0.0.2, minimist@0.0.10) └── each@0.5.0 (glob@5.0.5)

read-installed@2.0.7 node_modules\read-installed ├── util-extend@1.0.1 ├── slide@1.1.6 ├── graceful-fs@3.0.6 ├── semver@3.0.1 └── read-package-json@1.3.3 (json-parse-helpfulerror@1.0.3, glob@5.0.5, normalize-package-data@1.0.3)

grunt@0.4.5 node_modules\grunt ├── dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3 ├── which@1.0.9 ├── eventemitter2@0.4.14 ├── getobject@0.1.0 ├── colors@0.6.2 ├── rimraf@2.2.8 ├── async@0.1.22 ├── grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0 ├── hooker@0.2.3 ├── nopt@1.0.10 (abbrev@1.0.5) ├── exit@0.1.2 ├── minimatch@0.2.14 (sigmund@1.0.0, lru-cache@2.6.1) ├── glob@3.1.21 (inherits@1.0.0, graceful-fs@1.2.3) ├── lodash@0.9.2 ├── coffee-script@1.3.3 ├── underscore.string@2.2.1 ├── iconv-lite@0.2.11 ├── findup-sync@0.1.3 (glob@3.2.11, lodash@2.4.1) ├── grunt-legacy-log@0.1.1 (underscore.string@2.3.3, lodash@2.4.1) └── js-yaml@2.0.5 (argparse@0.1.16, esprima@1.0.4)

grunt-contrib-uglify@0.6.0 node_modules\grunt-contrib-uglify ├── uri-path@0.0.2 ├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0.2.0, has-ansi@0.1.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0) ├── lodash@2.4.1 ├── maxmin@1.1.0 (figures@1.3.5, chalk@1.0.0, pretty-bytes@1.0.4, gzip-size@1.0.0) └── uglify-js@2.4.20 (uglify-to-browserify@1.0.2, async@0.2.10, yargs@3.5.4, source-map@0.1.34)

coffeelint@1.9.3 node_modules\coffeelint ├── ignore@2.2.15 ├── resolve@0.6.3 ├── optimist@0.6.1 (wordwrap@0.0.2, minimist@0.0.10) └── glob@4.5.3 (inherits@2.0.1, once@1.3.1, inflight@1.0.4, minimatch@2.0.4)

grunt-coffeelint@0.0.13 node_modules\grunt-coffeelint └── coffeelint-stylish@0.1.2 (text-table@0.2.0, chalk@1.0.0)

grunt-contrib-connect@0.8.0 node_modules\grunt-contrib-connect ├── connect-livereload@0.4.1 ├── open@0.0.5 ├── async@0.9.0 ├── portscanner@0.2.3 (async@0.1.15) └── connect@2.19.6 (parseurl@1.0.1, response-time@2.0.0, escape-html@1.0.1, cookie@0.1.2, pause@0.0.1, cookie-signature@1.0.3, vhost@1.0.0, fresh@0.2.2, qs@0.6.6, basic-auth-connect@1.0.0, on-headers@0.0.0, bytes@1.0.0, serve-favicon@2.0.1, morgan@1.1.1, errorhandler@1.0.2, cookie-parser@1.1.0, connect-timeout@1.1.0, debug@1.0.2, body-parser@1.3.1, method-override@2.0.2, compression@1.0.7, csurf@1.2.1, type-is@1.2.1, multiparty@3.2.8, express-session@1.2.1, serve-static@1.2.3, serve-index@1.1.1)

grunt-mocha-phantomjs@0.6.1 node_modules\grunt-mocha-phantomjs ├── async@0.2.10 ├── lodash@2.4.1 ├── mocha-phantomjs@3.5.3 (commander@2.0.0, mocha@1.20.1) └── phantomjs@1.9.16 (which@1.0.9, progress@1.1.8, kew@0.4.0, request-progress@0.3.1, adm-zip@0.4.4, npmconf@2.1.1, fs-extra@0.16.5, request@2.42.0)

cli-color@0.3.3 node_modules\cli-color ├── d@0.1.1 ├── timers-ext@0.1.0 (next-tick@0.2.2) ├── memoizee@0.3.8 (next-tick@0.2.2, lru-queue@0.1.0, event-emitter@0.3.3, es6-weak-map@0.1.4) └── es5-ext@0.10.6 (es6-symbol@2.0.1, es6-iterator@0.1.3)

grunt-noflo-browser@0.1.9 node_modules\grunt-noflo-browser ├── component-fbp@0.1.0 ├── component-json@0.1.4 ├── component-installer@0.0.8 (debug@0.7.4, batch@0.5.2) ├── coffeeify@0.6.0 (through@2.3.7, convert-source-map@0.3.5, coffee-script@1.7.1) ├── component-builder@0.10.1 (string-to-js@0.0.1, cp@0.1.1, batch@0.2.1, component-require@0.3.1, mkdirp@0.3.4, debug@2.1.3) ├── noflo@0.5.12 ├── component-package@0.0.4 (batch@0.3.2, netrc@0.1.3, superagent-proxy@0.3.1, mkdirp@0.3.4, rimraf@2.1.4, debug@2.1.3, superagent@0.15.7, proxy-agent@1.1.0) ├── browserify@4.2.3 (https-browserify@0.0.0, tty-browserify@0.0.0, builtins@0.0.7, constants-browserify@0.0.1, process@0.7.0, path-browserify@0.0.0, os-browserify@0.1.2, inherits@2.0.1, commondir@0.0.1, stream-browserify@1.0.0, defined@0.0.0, stream-combiner@0.0.4, duplexer@0.1.1, shell-quote@0.0.1, domain-browser@1.1.4, shallow-copy@0.0.1, xtend@3.0.0, deep-equal@0.2.2, querystring-es3@0.2.1, assert@1.1.2, punycode@1.2.4, string_decoder@0.0.1, util@0.10.3, timers-browserify@1.4.0, vm-browserify@0.0.4, events@1.0.2, parents@0.0.3, subarg@0.0.1, console-browserify@1.1.0, readable-stream@1.0.33, http-browserify@1.7.0, url@0.10.3, buffer@2.8.2, through2@1.1.1, resolve@0.7.4, concat-stream@1.4.8, glob@3.2.11, JSONStream@0.8.4, deps-sort@0.1.2, browser-resolve@1.8.2, browser-pack@2.0.1, browserify-zlib@0.1.4, umd@2.1.0, derequire@0.8.0, module-deps@2.1.5, insert-module-globals@6.0.0, syntax-error@1.1.2, crypto-browserify@2.1.10) ├── component@1.1.0 (component-flatten@1.0.1, co@3.1.0, component-consoler@2.0.0, win-fork@1.1.1, mkdirp@0.3.5, component-ls@2.1.0, debug@2.1.3, commander@2.8.0, component-outdated2@1.0.5, component-updater@1.0.5, component-pin@1.0.5, semver@2.3.2, rimraf@2.3.2, superagent@0.17.0, tiny-lr-fork@0.0.5, component-watcher@1.0.3, component-resolver@1.3.0, component-search2@1.1.1, component-remotes@1.2.0, component-build@1.2.2) └── component-coffee@0.1.4 npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency coffeelint@^1 included from grunt-coffeelint will no npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly. npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency component@>= 0.14 included from component-coffee will no npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly.

Running "build" task

Running "coffee:libraries" (coffee) task

20 files created.

Running "coffee:libraries_nodejs" (coffee) task

1 files created.

Running "coffee:bin" (coffee) task

1 files created.

Running "coffee:spec" (coffee) task

14 files created.

Running "noflo_manifest:update" (noflo_manifest) task File "package.json" updated. File "component.json" updated.

Running "noflo_browser:build" (noflo_browser) task install bergie/emitter@master install jashkenas/underscore@master install noflo/fbp@master File "browser/noflo.js" built.

Running "uglify:noflo" (uglify) task

1 file created.

Done, without errors.

x Running "test" task

Running "coffeelint:libraries" (coffeelint) task

src/lib/ line 6 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 85, max is 80 line 98 Unnecessary fat arrow

2 warnings

src/lib/ line 64 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 104, max is 80

1 warning

src/lib/ line 37 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 113, max is 80 line 40 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 97, max is 80 line 103 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 95, max is 80 line 107 Unnecessary fat arrow

4 warnings

src/lib/ line 41 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 108, max is 80

1 warning

src/lib/ line 101 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 82, max is 80 line 105 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 106, max is 80 line 143 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 88, max is 80 line 150 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 230 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 94, max is 80 line 234 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80

6 warnings

src/lib/ line 449 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 127, max is 80 line 470 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 510 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 112, max is 80 line 511 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 517 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 113, max is 80 line 518 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 678 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 148, max is 80 line 681 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 190, max is 80 line 791 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 112, max is 80 line 793 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 91, max is 80 line 796 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 159, max is 80 line 798 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 120, max is 80 line 906 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 90, max is 80

13 warnings

src/lib/ line 246 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 294 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80 line 302 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 102, max is 80 line 305 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 120, max is 80 line 306 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 102, max is 80 line 321 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 326 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 91, max is 80 line 336 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 101, max is 80 line 363 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 364 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 85, max is 80 line 385 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 123, max is 80 line 388 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 88, max is 80 line 396 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 406 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 95, max is 80 line 407 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 99, max is 80 line 431 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 82, max is 80 line 443 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 111, max is 80 line 450 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 86, max is 80 line 471 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 95, max is 80 line 498 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 558 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 90, max is 80

21 warnings

src/lib/ line 89 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80

1 warning

src/lib/ line 48 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 84 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 86, max is 80

2 warnings

src/lib/ line 19 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 20 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 88, max is 80 line 21 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 92, max is 80 line 79 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 97, max is 80 line 83 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 98 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 107, max is 80 line 118 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 82, max is 80 line 124 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 99, max is 80 line 142 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 156 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 164 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 176 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 203 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 85, max is 80 line 204 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 205 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80 line 206 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 127, max is 80 line 215 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 216 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 97, max is 80 line 219 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 91, max is 80 line 220 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 106, max is 80 line 223 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80 line 232 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 85, max is 80 line 233 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 90, max is 80 line 234 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 90, max is 80 line 235 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 127, max is 80 line 237 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 244 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 246 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 100, max is 80 line 248 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 91, max is 80 line 250 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 102, max is 80 line 252 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80 line 311 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 85, max is 80

32 warnings

src/lib/ line 58 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 104, max is 80 line 118 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 88, max is 80 line 215 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 90, max is 80 line 233 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 98, max is 80 line 245 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 97, max is 80 line 278 Unnecessary fat arrow line 281 Unnecessary fat arrow line 284 Unnecessary fat arrow line 289 Unnecessary fat arrow line 292 Unnecessary fat arrow line 295 Unnecessary fat arrow line 298 Unnecessary fat arrow line 409 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 101, max is 80 line 410 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 412 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 118, max is 80 line 413 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 92, max is 80 line 428 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 89, max is 80 line 431 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80 line 453 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 82, max is 80 line 478 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 115, max is 80 line 479 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 503 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 104, max is 80 line 527 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 93, max is 80

23 warnings

src/lib/ line 6 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 86, max is 80 line 32 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 38 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 41 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 45 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80 line 46 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 86, max is 80 line 60 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 78 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 84 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 87, max is 80 line 85 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 91 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 92 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 88, max is 80 line 129 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 97, max is 80 line 134 Line contains a trailing semicolon

14 warnings

src/lib/ line 7 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 96, max is 80

1 warning

src/lib/ line 97 Unnecessary fat arrow

1 warning

src/lib/ line 24 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 124, max is 80

1 warning

src/lib/ line 96 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 96, max is 80 line 100 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 102, max is 80 line 103 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 110 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 81, max is 80 line 167 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 83, max is 80

5 warnings

Running "coffeelint:components" (coffeelint) task

src/components/ line 1 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 100, max is 80 line 17 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 84, max is 80 line 38 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 94, max is 80 line 92 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 98, max is 80 line 110 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 99, max is 80 line 118 Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 104, max is 80

6 warnings

Running "noflo_manifest:update" (noflo_manifest) task File "package.json" updated. File "component.json" updated.

Running "coffee:libraries" (coffee) task

20 files created.

Running "coffee:libraries_nodejs" (coffee) task

1 files created.

Running "coffee:bin" (coffee) task

1 files created.

Running "coffee:spec" (coffee) task

14 files created.

Running "cafemocha:nodejs" (cafemocha) task

Legacy ArrayPort Untyped ArrayPort instance ✔ should be of type "all"
ArrayPort instance ✔ should retain the given type
without attached socket ✔ should not be attached initially
✔ should allow connections
✔ should not be connected initially
✔ should not contain a socket initially
✔ should not allow connecting
✔ should not allow beginning groups
✔ should not allow sending data
✔ should not allow ending groups
✔ should not allow disconnecting
with attached socket ✔ should emit an event
✔ should be marked as attached
✔ should still allow more connections
✔ should not be connected initially
✔ should have a reference to the socket
✔ should allow other sockets to be attached
✔ should emit an event on detaching
✔ should not be attached any longer
✔ should not contain the removed socket any longer
Input ArrayPort ✔ should emit connection events
✔ should be connected after that
✔ should emit begin group events
✔ should emit data events
✔ should emit end group events
✔ should emit disconnection events
✔ should not be connected after that
✔ should connect automatically when sending
Input ArrayPort with specified index ✔ shouldn't be attached initially
✔ should emit attaching events
✔ should be attached after that
✔ shouldn't have other indexes attached after that
✔ should emit connection events
✔ should be connected after that
✔ shouldn't have other indexes connected after that
✔ should emit begin group events
✔ should emit data events
✔ should emit end group events
✔ should emit disconnection events
✔ should not be connected after that
✔ should connect automatically when sending
✔ should emit attaching events
✔ shouldn't be attached after that
Output ArrayPort ✔ should connect the socket
✔ should begin groups on the socket
✔ should send data to the socket
✔ should end groups on the socket
✔ should disconnect the socket
✔ should connect automatically when sending

AsyncComponent with missing ports ✔ should throw an error on instantiation when no IN defined
✔ should throw an error on instantion when no OUT defined

AsyncComponent without a doAsync method ✔ should throw an error if there is no connection to the ERROR port
✔ should send an error to the ERROR port if connected
✔ should send groups and error to the ERROR port if connected

Implemented AsyncComponent ✔ should send load information and packets in correct order

Component with required ports ✔ should throw an error upon sending packet to an unattached required port
✔ should be cool with an attached port
with component creation shorthand ✔ should make component creation easy
✔ should throw errors if there is no error port
✔ should throw errors if there is a non-attached error port
✔ should not throw errors if there is a non-required error port
✔ should send errors if there is a connected error port
defining ports with invalid names ✔ should throw an error with uppercase letters in inport
✔ should throw an error with uppercase letters in outport
✔ should throw an error with special characters in inport
starting a component ✔ should flag the component as started
shutting down a component ✔ should flag the component as not started

ComponentLoader with no external packages installed ✔ should initially know of no components
✔ should not initially require revalidation
✔ should not initially be ready
✔ should not initially be processing
✔ should not have any packages in the checked list
✔ should be able to read a list of components
after listing components ✔ should have the Graph component registered
loading the Graph component ✔ should be able to load the component
✔ should contain input ports
✔ should have "on" method on the input port
✔ it should know that Graph is a subgraph
✔ should know the description for the Graph
✔ should be able to provide an icon for the Graph
loading the Graph component ✔ should be able to load the component
✔ should have a reference to the Component Loader's baseDir
loading a component ✔ should return an error on an invalid component type
register a component at runtime ✔ should be available in the components list
✔ should be able to load the component
✔ should have the correct ports
✔ should have inherited its icon from the library
✔ should emit an event on icon change
✔ new instances should still contain the original icon
✔ after setting an icon for the Component class, new instances should have that
✔ should not affect the original instance
reading sources ✔ should be able to provide source code for a component
✔ should return an error for missing components
✔ should return an error for non-file components
writing sources with working code ✔ should be able to set the source
✔ should be a loadable component
with non-working code ✔ should be able to set the source
[Error: Component foo/NotWorking not available with base C:\Z\S\4\9\Ax\75\1] undefined ✔ should not be a loadable component

Unnamed graph instance ✔ should have an empty name

Graph with new instance ✔ should get a name from constructor
✔ should have no nodes initially
✔ should have no edges initially
✔ should have no initializers initially
✔ should have no exports initially
New node ✔ should emit an event
✔ should be in graph's list of nodes
✔ should be accessible via the getter
✔ should have empty metadata
✔ should be available in the JSON export
✔ removing should emit an event
✔ should not be available after removal
New edge ✔ should emit an event
✔ should add an edge
✔ should refuse to add a duplicate edge
New edge with index ✔ should emit an event
✔ should add an edge
loaded from JSON ✔ should produce a Graph
✔ should have a name
✔ should have graph metadata intact
✔ should produce same JSON when serialized
✔ should allow modifying graph metadata
✔ should contain four nodes
✔ the first Node should have its metadata intact
✔ should allow modifying node metadata
✔ should contain two connections
✔ the first Edge should have its metadata intact
✔ should allow modifying edge metadata
✔ should contain four IIPs
✔ should contain one published inport
✔ should contain one published outport
✔ should keep the output export metadata intact
✔ should contain two groups
✔ should allow modifying group metadata
✔ should allow renaming groups
renaming a node ✔ should emit an event
✔ should be available with the new name
✔ shouldn't be available with the old name
✔ should have the edge still going from it
✔ should still be exported
✔ should still be grouped
✔ shouldn't be have edges with the old name
✔ should have the IIP still going to it
✔ shouldn't have IIPs going to the old name
✔ shouldn't be have export going to the old name
✔ shouldn't be grouped with the old name
renaming an inport ✔ should emit an event
renaming an outport ✔ should emit an event
removing a node ✔ should emit an event
✔ shouldn't have edges left behind
✔ shouldn't have IIPs left behind
✔ shouldn't have exports left behind
✔ shouldn't be grouped
✔ shouldn't affect other groups
with multiple connected ArrayPorts ✔ should contain four nodes
✔ should contain four edges
✔ should allow a specific edge to be removed
✔ shouldn't contain the removed connection from Split1
✔ should still contain the other connection from Split1
with an Initial Information Packet ✔ should contain one node
✔ should contain no edges
✔ should contain one IIP
on removing that IIP ✔ should emit a removeInitial event
✔ should contain no IIPs
with an Inport Initial Information Packet ✔ should contain one node
✔ should contain no edges
✔ should contain one IIP for the correct node
on removing that IIP ✔ should emit a removeInitial event
✔ should contain no IIPs
on adding IIP for a non-existent inport ✔ should not add any IIP
with an indexed Inport Initial Information Packet ✔ should contain one node
✔ should contain no edges
✔ should contain one IIP for the correct node
on removing that IIP ✔ should emit a removeInitial event
✔ should contain no IIPs
on adding IIP for a non-existent inport ✔ should not add any IIP
with no nodes ✔ should not allow adding edges
✔ should not allow adding IIPs
Legacy exports loaded via JSON ✔ should produce a Graph
✔ should have two legacy exports
✔ should fix the case of the process key

Component traits MapComponent ✔ should pass data to the callback
✔ should pass groups to the callback
✔ should send groups and disconnect through
WirePattern when grouping by packet groups ✔ should pass data and groups to the callback
✔ should work without a group provided
✔ should process inputs for different groups independently with group: true
✔ should support asynchronous handlers
✔ should not forward groups if forwarding is off
✔ should forward groups from a specific port only
✔ should forward groups from selected ports only
when this context is important ✔ should correctly bind component to this context
✔ should correctly bind component to this context in async mode
when in async mode and packet order matters ✔ should preserve input order at the output
✔ should support complex substreams
when grouping by field ✔ should match objects by specific field
when there are multiple output routes ✔ should send output to one or more of them
when there are parameter ports ✔ should wait for required params without default value
✔ should work for async procs too
✔ should reset state if shutdown() is called
✔ should drop premature data if configured to do so
without output ports ✔ should be fine still
when data processing is not possible at the moment ✔ should be able to postpone it until next tuple of data
✔ should be able to postpone and retry after timeout
✔ should be able to postpone it and resume when needed
with many inputs and groups ✔ should handle mixed flow well
for batch processing ✔ should process sequences of packets separated by disconnects
for batch processing with groups ✔ should wrap entire sequence with groups
with addressable ports ✔ should wait for all param and any data port values (default)
✔ should wait for any param and all data values
✔ should wait for all indexes of a single input
✔ should behave normally with string output from another component
when grouping requests ✔ should group requests by outer UUID group
1) should collect garbage every N requests ✔ should be able to drop a request explicitly
MultiError with simple sync processes ✔ should support multiple customized error messages
✔ should pass if everything is correct
✔ should handle fatals and runtimes normally
with async processes and groups ✔ should support multiple error messages and groups
✔ should pass if everything is correct
✔ should handle fatals and runtimes normally
✔ should reset state if component is shut down

Inport Port with default options ✔ should be of datatype "all"
✔ should not be required
✔ should not be addressable
✔ should not be buffered
with custom type ✔ should retain the type
without attached sockets ✔ should not be attached
✔ should allow attaching
✔ should not be connected initially
✔ should not contain a socket initially
with processing function called with port as context ✔ should set context to port itself
with default value ✔ should send the default value as a packet, though on next tick after initialization
✔ should send the default value before IIP
with options stored in port ✔ should store all provided options in port, whether we expect it or not
with data type information ✔ should accept a 'all' data type
✔ should accept a 'string' data type
✔ should accept a 'number' data type
✔ should accept a 'int' data type
✔ should accept a 'object' data type
✔ should accept a 'array' data type
✔ should NOT accept a 'not' data type
✔ should NOT accept a 'valie' data type
✔ should NOT accept a 'data' data type
✔ should NOT accept a 'types' data type
with TYPE (i.e. ontology) information ✔ should be a URL or MIME
with buffering ✔ should buffer incoming packets until receive()d
✔ should be able to tell the number of contained data packets
✔ should return undefined when buffer is empty
✔ shouldn't expose the receive method without buffering
with accepted enumerated values ✔ should accept certain values
✔ should throw an error if value is not accepted
with processing shorthand ✔ should create a port with a callback
✔ should also accept metadata (i.e. options) when provided

Journal connected to initialized graph ✔ should have just the initial transaction
following basic graph changes ✔ should create one transaction per change
pretty printing ✔ should be human readable
jumping to revision ✔ should change the graph
linear undo/redo ✔ undo should restore previous revision
✔ redo should apply the same change again
✔ undo should also work multiple revisions back
undo/redo of metadata changes ✔ adding group
✔ undoing group add
✔ redoing group add
✔ changing group metadata adds revision
✔ undoing group metadata change
✔ redoing group metadata change
✔ setting node metadata
✔ undoing set node metadata
✔ redoing set node metadata

Journalling of graph merges G -> B ✔ G starts out as A
✔ G and B starts out different
✔ merge should make G equivalent to B
✔ undoing merge should make G equivalent to A again

JSON Schema validator ✔ should validate the http example graph
✔ should validate the linecount example graph

NoFlo Network with an empty graph ✔ should initially be marked as stopped
✔ should initially have no processes
✔ should initially have to connections
✔ should initially have no IIPs
✔ should have reference to the graph
✔ should know its baseDir
✔ should have a ComponentLoader
✔ should have transmitted the baseDir to the Component Loader
✔ should have an uptime
with new node ✔ should contain the node
✔ should have transmitted the node metadata to the process
✔ should not contain the node after removal
with a simple graph ✔ should contain two processes
✔ the ports of the processes should know the node names
✔ should contain one connection
✔ should call callback when receiving data
once started ✔ should be marked as started
with a renamed node ✔ should have the process in a new location
✔ shouldn't have the process in the old location
✔ should have informed the ports of their new node name
with process icon change ✔ should emit an icon event
once stopped ✔ should be marked as stopped
with nodes containing default ports ✔ should send default values to nodes without an edge
✔ should not send default values to nodes with an edge
✔ should not send default values to nodes with IIP
Nodes are added first, then edges, then initializers (i.e. IIPs), and in order of definition order within each ✔ should add nodes, edges, and initials, in that order
with an existing IIP ✔ should call the Callback with the original IIP value
✔ should allow removing the IIPs
✔ new IIPs to replace original ones should work correctly
on stopping ✔ processes should be running before the stop call
✔ should emit the end event
✔ should have called the shutdown method of each process
with a very large network ✔ should be able to connect without errors

NoFlo interface ✔ should be able to tell whether it is running on browser

Outport Port with addressable ports ✔ should be able to send to a specific port
✔ should throw an error when sent data without address
✔ should throw an error when a specific port is requested with non-addressable port
✔ should give correct port index when detaching a connection
with caching ports ✔ should repeat the previously sent value on attach event
✔ should support addressable ports

Legacy Port Untyped port instance ✔ should be of type "all"
Port instance initially ✔ should retain the given type
✔ should not have a name
✔ should not have a node name
✔ should return "Port" as identifier
with given name and node ✔ should return correct ID
without attached socket ✔ should not be attached initially
✔ should allow a connection
✔ should not be connected initially
✔ should not contain a socket initially
✔ should not allow connecting
✔ should not allow beginning groups
✔ should not allow sending data
✔ should not allow ending groups
✔ should not allow disconnecting
with attached socket ✔ should emit an event
✔ should be marked as attached
✔ should not be connected initially
✔ should have a reference to the socket
✔ should allow other sockets to be attached
✔ should emit an event on detaching
✔ should still be attached
✔ should not be attached any longer
✔ should not contain a socket any longer
Input port ✔ should emit connection events
✔ should be connected after that
✔ should emit begin group events
✔ should emit data events
✔ should emit end group events
✔ should emit disconnection events
✔ should not be connected after that
✔ should connect automatically when sending
Output port ✔ should connect the socket
✔ should begin groups on the socket
✔ should send data to the socket
✔ should end groups on the socket
✔ should disconnect the socket
✔ should connect automatically when sending

Graph component initially ✔ should be ready
✔ should not contain a network
✔ should not have a baseDir
✔ should only have the graph inport
with JSON graph definition ✔ should emit a ready event after network has been loaded
✔ should expose available ports
✔ should update description from the graph
✔ should expose only exported ports when they exist
✔ should be able to run the graph
with a Graph instance ✔ should emit a ready event after network has been loaded
✔ should expose available ports
✔ should be able to run the graph
with a FBP file with INPORTs and OUTPORTs 2) should emit a ready event after network has been loaded 3) should expose available ports 4) should be able to run the graph with a FBP file with legacy EXPORTS 5) should emit a ready event after network has been loaded 6) should expose available ports 7) should have disambiguated the exported ports 8) should be able to run the graph when a subgraph is used as a component Fatal error: expected true to be false

module.js:318 throw err; ^

govpack commented 9 years ago

Fatal error: expected true to be false

Nardwuar vs. French Montana Nardwuar vs. French Montana

govpack commented 9 years ago

just wondering what to do with multiple CLI scripts as referenced by:

package.json.bin: {tool1:'path',tool2:'path'}

not sure what % of modules would have 0,1,2,3,+ bin tools, but what seems to be misisng is a doc string, i guess many times running the tool with...

but /? ? -? /h /u -h -help --help

or no args may produce some usage info

like the switch for version info there is no one standard "help switch" (like "man" on unix) but running the common ones and selecting the one with the longest console output may suffice for 98% of modules offering console/CLI command line tools,

execSync() is useful for gathering such output:


3 2 = bin/capnpc-js

1 nfy = bin/nfy

1 redis-migrate = ./bin/redis-migrate

1 buddy = ./bin/buddy

1 pjs = ./bin/pjs

1 js-inspector = ./bin/js-inspector

1 jsinspect = ./bin/jsinspect

1 svn-graphs = cli.js

1 lesscap = cli.js

1 = cli.js

2 faggot-io-harvester = ./bin/faggot-io-harvester.js

1 logsack = lib/cli

1 jquery-cli2 = lib/cli

1 figs = ./figs.js

0 1 dispatch = ./bin/dispatch.js

1 pbo = ./bin/pbo.js

1 catalyst = ./bin/catalyst.js

0 1 lzma.js = bin/lzma.js

1 gif_blend = blend.js

1 arteplus7 = bin/arteplus7

1 remarkedup = ./bin/remarkedup.js

1 rrest = ./bin/rrest

govpack commented 9 years ago


modules with more than 20 package.json.bin tools...


  1. machinepack = ./bin/machinepack.js
  2. machinepack-about = ./bin/machinepack-about.js
  3. machinepack-info = ./bin/machinepack-info.js
  4. machinepack-init = ./bin/machinepack-init.js
  5. machinepack-add = ./bin/machinepack-add.js
  6. machinepack-ls = ./bin/machinepack-ls.js
  7. machinepack-mv = ./bin/machinepack-mv.js
  8. machinepack-cp = ./bin/machinepack-cp.js
  9. machinepack-rm = ./bin/machinepack-rm.js
  10. machinepack-exec = ./bin/machinepack-exec.js
  11. machinepack-browse = ./bin/machinepack-browse.js
  12. machinepack-scrub = ./bin/machinepack-scrub.js
  13. mp = ./bin/machinepack.js
  14. mp-about = ./bin/machinepack-about.js
  15. mp-info = ./bin/machinepack-info.js
  16. mp-init = ./bin/machinepack-init.js
  17. mp-add = ./bin/machinepack-add.js
  18. mp-ls = ./bin/machinepack-ls.js
  19. mp-mv = ./bin/machinepack-mv.js
  20. mp-cp = ./bin/machinepack-cp.js
  21. mp-rm = ./bin/machinepack-rm.js
  22. mp-exec = ./bin/machinepack-exec.js
  23. mp-browse = ./bin/machinepack-browse.js
  24. mp-scrub = ./bin/machinepack-scrub.js


  1. pkgcloud = ./bin/pkgcloud
  2. pkgcloud-init = ./bin/pkgcloud-init
  3. pkgcloud-compute = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute
  4. pkgcloud-compute-flavor-list = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-flavor-list
  5. pkgcloud-compute-image-list = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-image-list
  6. pkgcloud-compute-image-create = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-image-create
  7. pkgcloud-compute-image-destroy = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-image-destroy
  8. pkgcloud-compute-server-list = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-server-list
  9. pkgcloud-compute-server-destroy = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-server-destroy
  10. pkgcloud-compute-server-create = ./bin/pkgcloud-compute-server-create
  11. pkgcloud-database = ./bin/pkgcloud-database
  12. pkgcloud-storage = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage
  13. pkgcloud-storage-create-container = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-create-container
  14. pkgcloud-storage-destroy-container = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-destroy-container
  15. pkgcloud-storage-download = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-download
  16. pkgcloud-storage-get-container = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-get-container
  17. pkgcloud-storage-get-containers = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-get-containers
  18. pkgcloud-storage-get-file = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-get-file
  19. pkgcloud-storage-get-files = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-get-files
  20. pkgcloud-storage-remove-file = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-remove-file
  21. pkgcloud-storage-upload = ./bin/pkgcloud-storage-upload
  22. pkgcloud-dns = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns
  23. pkgcloud-dns-list-zones = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-list-zones
  24. pkgcloud-dns-get-zone = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-get-zone
  25. pkgcloud-dns-create-zone = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-create-zone
  26. pkgcloud-dns-delete-zone = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-delete-zone
  27. pkgcloud-dns-list-zone-records = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-list-zone-records
  28. pkgcloud-dns-create-zone-record = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-create-zone-record
  29. pkgcloud-dns-delete-zone-record = ./bin/pkgcloud-dns-delete-zone-record
  30. pkgcloud-network = ./bin/pkgcloud-network
  31. pkgcloud-network-network-list = ./bin/pkgcloud-network-network-list
  32. pkgcloud-network-network-create = ./bin/pkgcloud-network-network-create
  33. pkgcloud-network-network-destroy = ./bin/pkgcloud-network-network-destroy


  1. jline-by = bin/by.js
  2. jline-clean = bin/clean.js
  3. jline-cast = bin/cast.js
  4. jline-chart = bin/chart.js
  5. jline-csv = bin/csv.js
  6. jline-cumulative = bin/cumulative.js
  7. jline-filter = bin/filter.js
  8. jline-html = bin/html.js
  9. jline-intersect = bin/intersect.js
  10. jline-compare = bin/compare.js
  11. jline-antijoin = bin/antijoin.js
  12. jline-join-left = bin/join_left.js
  13. jline-map = bin/map.js
  14. jline-foreach = bin/foreach.js
  15. jline-pretty = bin/pretty.js
  16. jline-parsePath = bin/parsePath.js
  17. jline-select = bin/select.js
  18. jline-sort = bin/sort.js
  19. jline-csv2jl = bin/csv2jl.js
  20. jline-csv2jla = bin/csv2jla.js
  21. jline-mysql2jl = bin/
  22. jline-mysql2jla = bin/
  23. jline-numper = util/numper.js
  24. jline-sumper = util/sumper.js
govpack commented 9 years ago

pkgcloud-cli for the win, with 33 CLI tools

govpack commented 9 years ago

and only 2 with a straight up dozen


  1. treeline = ./bin/treeline.js
  2. treeline-browse = ./bin/treeline-browse.js
  3. treeline-preview = ./bin/treeline-preview.js
  4. treeline-about = ./bin/treeline-about.js
  5. treeline-link = ./bin/treeline-link.js
  6. treeline-unlink = ./bin/treeline-unlink.js
  7. treeline-whoami = ./bin/treeline-whoami.js
  8. treeline-login = ./bin/treeline-login.js
  9. treeline-logout = ./bin/treeline-logout.js
  10. treeline-status = ./bin/treeline-status.js
  11. treeline-new = ./bin/treeline-new.js
  12. tl = ./bin/treeline.js


  1. git-align = ./git-align.js
  2. git-br = ./git-br.js
  3. git-close = ./git-close.js
  4. git-each = ./git-each.js
  5. git-origin = ./git-origin.js
  6. git-pub = ./git-pub.js
  7. git-rename = ./git-rename.js
  8. git-repo = ./git-repo.js
  9. git-sync = ./git-sync.js
  10. git-tr = ./git-tr.js
  11. git-url = ./git-url.js
  12. git-rolltag = ./git-rolltag.js

although the set i'm looking at is missing 20,000 (or a couple of months worth of new modules) some of which may have a exactly 12 CLI tools

govpack commented 9 years ago

IPython/Jupyter Lab Meeting IPython/Jupyter Lab Meeting

govpack commented 9 years ago

▄koa-minify▄1141.36▄[597|koa-minify▄bin/harmony.js koa-minify] ▄jsvim▄2265.10▄[0|index.js▄node index.js] ▄npm-keyword-search▄2412.14▄[0|.\index.js▄node ./index.js] ▄pelias-import▄3379.5▄[0|bin\cli_import_tool.js▄node bin/cli_import_tool.js] ▄treetop▄8251.2▄[0|index.js▄node index.js] ▄jirc▄12454.2▄[0|.\jirc.js▄node ./jirc.js] ▄srs▄21526.1▄[0|.\srs.js▄node ./srs.js]

govpack commented 9 years ago

LOL C:\Users\Administrator\Library\Preferences\

govpack commented 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

┌─┘N1005.347└──dominictarr ├─┤hipster├────────────────┼54┼── ├─┤hipster├────────────────┼─○┼── ├─┤hip├──────────────────┼─◘┼── "" Okay, so today I wrote a text editor in node.js and named it "hipster". Because I am an asshole. (and no one had already used the name for something more stupid) "" ~ dominictarr

govpack commented 9 years ago

┌─┘N1022.181└──tootallnate──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ├─┤drone-joystick├─────────┼43┼──Control AR.Drones using any SDL-compatible Joystick (PS3 Sixaxis, etc.) ├─┤drone-joystick├─────────┼─○┼── │ ├─┤up├─────────────────────┼72┼──cloudup command-line executable ├─┤up├─────────────────────┼─○┼── ├─┤up-streams├─────────────┼─◘┼── ├─┤up-config├──────────────┼─◘┼── ├─┤up-copy├────────────────┼─◘┼── ├─┤up-open├────────────────┼─◘┼── └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

govpack commented 9 years ago

usage: bug-me []

-h, -?, --help        show this help
-r, --reproducible    show issues with reproduction steps
-c, --consensus       show issues that have consensus on a solution
-d, --duplicates      show issues that have duplicates
-w, --wrong-repo      show issues that are in the wrong repo
-f, --is-feature      show issues that have been approved as features
                      by a core team member
-v, --version <ver>   show issues that have been reproduced
                      against version <ver>, with acceptable values
                      of "0.10" or "0.11"
govpack commented 9 years ago

path.existsSync is now called fs.existsSync.

and has been for a while

govpack commented 9 years ago

352 ꆱʳᵉˡᵒᵃᵈ

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  6. bpmnmodeler               bpmnmodeler
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  64. jetty.releng.products     Jetty - Servlet Engine and Http Server project repository (jetty.releng.products)
  65. jetty.sandbox             Jetty - Servlet Engine and Http Server project repository (jetty.sandbox)
  66. jetty.wtp                 Jetty - Servlet Engine and Http Server project repository (jetty.wtp)
  67. mwe                       Modeling Workflow Engine project repository (mwe)
  68. mylyn                     Mylyn project repository (mylyn)
  69. mylyn.commons             Mylyn Commons project repository (mylyn.commons)
  70. mylyn.context             Mylyn Context project repository (mylyn.context)
  71.    Intent project repository (
  72. mylyn.incubator           Mylyn Incubator project repository (mylyn.incubator)
  73. mylyn.tasks               Mylyn Tasks project repository (mylyn.tasks)
  74. mylyn.versions            Mylyn Versions project repository (mylyn.versions)
  75. ocl                       OCL (Object Constraint Language) project repository (ocl)
  76. skalli                    Skalli project repository (skalli)
  77. uomo                      Eclipse UOMo project repository (uomo)
  78. jetty.project             Jetty - Servlet Engine and Http Server project repository (jetty.project)
  79. datatools.connectivity    Connectivity project repository (datatools.connectivity)
  80. datatools.enablement.hsqldbEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.hsqldb)
  81. datatools.enablement.mysqlEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.mysql)
  82. datatools.enablement.postgresqlEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.postgresql)
  83. hudson.test.ui            Hudson project repository (hudson.test.ui)
  84. datatools.enablement.sybaseEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.sybase)
  85.  Enablement project repository (
  86. eclipse.platform.ui       Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.ui)
  87. eclipse.platform.runtime  Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.runtime)
  88. datatools.enablement.generalEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.general)
  89. b3                        b3 project repository (b3)
  90. datatools.enablement.ingresEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.ingres)
  91. hudson.test.harness       Hudson project repository (hudson.test.harness)
  92.  Enablement project repository (
  93.           Data Tools Platform project repository (
  94. datatools.doc             Data Tools Platform project repository (datatools.doc)
  95. datatools.enablement.msft Enablement project repository (datatools.enablement.msft)
  96. datatools.incubator       Incubator project repository (datatools.incubator)
  97. datatools.modelbase       Model Base project repository (datatools.modelbase)
  98.              Data Tools Platform project repository (
  99.    Hudson project repository (
  100. gmp.graphiti              Graphiti project repository (gmp.graphiti)
  101. datatools.sqltools        SQL Dev Tools project repository (datatools.sqltools)
  102. datatools.enablement.sqliteEnablement project repository (datatools.enablement.sqlite)
  103. hudson.plugins.subversion Hudson project repository (hudson.plugins.subversion)
  104. hudson.plugins.git-       Hudson project repository (hudson.plugins.git)
  105. datatools.enablement.oda  Enablement project repository (datatools.enablement.oda)
  106. hudson.maven-hpi-plugin   Hudson project repository (hudson.maven-hpi-plugin)
  107. hudson.core               Hudson project repository (hudson.core)
  108. Hudson project repository (
  109. eclipse.pde.incubator     PDE - Plugin Development Environment project repository (eclipse.pde.incubator)
  110. datatools.enablement.oracleEnablement project repository (
  111. eclipse.pde.ui            PDE - Plugin Development Environment project repository (eclipse.pde.ui)
  112. eclipse.platform.swt      Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.swt)
  113. hudson.plugins.cvs        Hudson project repository (hudson.plugins.cvs)
  114. lyo.testsuite             Lyo project repository (lyo.testsuite)
  115. eclipse.jdt.debug         Java development tools debug project repository (eclipse.jdt.debug)
  116.       Eclipse Platform project repository (
  117. koneki.ldt                Koneki project repository (koneki.ldt)
  118. eclipse.platform.resourcesResources project repository (eclipse.platform.resources)
  119. eclipse.jdt.core.binaries JDT/Core project repository (eclipse.jdt.core.binaries)
  120.                   Lyo project repository (
  121. lyo.client                Lyo project repository (lyo.client)
  122. eclipse.platform.common   Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.common)
  123.     Team project repository (
  124. aether-ant                Aether project repository (aether-ant)
  125. eclipse.platform.text     Platform Text project repository (eclipse.platform.text)
  126. eclipse.jdt.ui            JDT/UI project repository (eclipse.jdt.ui)
  127. eclipse.platform          Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform)
  128. aether-core               Aether project repository (aether-core)
  129. rt.equinox.bundles        Equinox project repository (rt.equinox.bundles)
  130. eclipse.jdt.core          JDT/Core project repository (eclipse.jdt.core)
  131. eclipse.jdt               JDT - Java development tools project repository (eclipse.jdt)
  132. rt.equinox.p2             Equinox project repository (rt.equinox.p2)
  133. rt.equinox.binaries       Equinox project repository (rt.equinox.binaries)
  134.                  Lyo project repository (
  135. aether-demo               Aether project repository (aether-demo)
  136. bpel                      BPEL Designer project repository (bpel)
  137. lyo.core                  Lyo project repository (lyo.core)
  138. bpmn2-modeler             BPMN2 Modeler Project project repository (bpmn2-modeler)
  139. tycho                     Tycho project repository (tycho)
  140. eclipse.platform.debug    Eclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.debug)
  141. rt.equinox.framework      Equinox project repository (rt.equinox.framework)
  142. lyo.server                Lyo project repository (lyo.server)
  143.            Visual Editor for XML project repository (
  144. ptp                       Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) project repository (ptp)
  145. ptp.doc                   Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) project repository (ptp.doc)
  146. photran                   Fortran Development Tools project repository (photran)
  147. tcf                       Target Communication Framework project repository (tcf)
  148. gmf-tooling               Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Tooling project repository (gmf-tooling)
  149. emf.texo                  EMFT Texo project repository (emf.texo)
  150. virgo.nano                Virgo project repository (virgo.nano)
  151. tcf.agent                 Target Communication Framework project repository (tcf.agent)
  152.       Hudson project repository (
  153. nebula                    Supplemental Widgets for SWT (Nebula) project repository (nebula)
  154. hudson.plugins.legacy-mavenHudson project repository (hudson.plugins.legacy-maven)
  155.       Hudson project repository (
  156.        Hudson project repository (
  157. hudson.plugins.maven3     Hudson project repository (hudson.plugins.maven3)
  158.       Hudson project repository (
  159. gemini.managment          Gemini Management project repository (gemini.managment)
  160. gef3d                     Graphical Editing Framework 3D project repository (gef3d)
  161. gyrex-platform            Eclipse Gyrex Project project repository (gyrex-platform)
  162. gef                       Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) project repository (gef)
  163. gyrex-admin               Eclipse Gyrex Project project repository (gyrex-admin)
  164. paho.mqtt.c               Paho project repository (paho.mqtt.c). This is a mirror of the main Eclipse Git repository and issues should be reported via Eclipse Bugzilla.
  165. epp.packages              Eclipse Packaging Project project repository (epp.packages)
  166.            Paho project repository ( This is a mirror of the main Eclipse Git repository and issues should be reported via Eclipse Bugzilla.
  167. gyrex-releng              Eclipse Gyrex Project project repository (gyrex-releng)
  168. gemini.jpa                Gemini JPA project repository (gemini.jpa)
  169. koneki.protocols          Koneki project repository (koneki.protocols)
  170. cdo                       CDO Model Repository project repository (cdo)
  171. ecoretools                Ecore Tools project repository (ecoretools)
  172. rmf                       Requirements Modeling Framework project repository (rmf)
  173. org.aspectj.shadows       AspectJ project repository (org.aspectj.shadows)
  174. xtend                     Xtend project repository (xtend)
  175. objectteams               Object Teams project repository (objectteams)
  176. gemini.dbaccess           Gemini DBAccess project repository (gemini.dbaccess)
  177. emf.emfstore.core         EMFStore project repository (emf.emfstore.core)
  178. gef4                      Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) project repository (gef4)
  179. tycho.extras              Tycho project repository (tycho.extras)
  180. emf                       EMF project repository (emf)
  181. riena                     Riena Project project repository (riena)
  182. koneki.simulators         Koneki project repository (koneki.simulators)
  183. paho.esf                  Paho project repository (paho.esf). This is a mirror of the main Eclipse Git repository and issues should be reported via Eclipse Bugzilla
  184. org.aspectj               AspectJ project repository (org.aspectj)
  185.                  e4 Project project repository (
  186. rap.incubator.gef         RAP Incubator project repository (rap.incubator.gef)
  187. eef                       Extended Editing Framework (EEF) project repository (eef)
  188. rap                       Rich Ajax Platform project repository (rap)
  189. virgo.eclipse-mirror      Virgo project repository (virgo.eclipse-mirror)
  190. nebula.widgets.nattable   Nebula NatTable project repository (nebula.widgets.nattable)
  191. tycho-demo                Tycho project repository (tycho-demo)
  192. eclipse.platform.releng   RelEng project repository (eclipse.platform.releng)
  193. m2e.wtp                   m2e-wtp project repository (m2e.wtp)
  194. gemini.naming             Gemini Naming project repository (gemini.naming)
  195.         Review for Eclipse (R4E) project repository (
  196. e4.releng                 e4 Project project repository (e4.releng)
  197. eclipse.platform.releng.eclipsebuilderEclipse Platform project repository (eclipse.platform.releng.eclipsebuilder)
  198. emf.diffmerge.core        EMF Diff/Merge project repository (emf.diffmerge.core)
  199. wazaabi                   Wazaabi project repository (wazaabi)
  200. qvto                      Model-to-Model Transformation (MMT) project repository (qvto)
  201. gemini.blueprint          Gemini Blueprint project repository (gemini.blueprint)
  202. virgo.bundlor             Virgo project repository (virgo.bundlor)
  203. virgo.packaging           Virgo project repository (virgo.packaging)
  204. plugins                   Babel project repository (plugins)
  205. server                    Babel project repository (server)
  206. dltk.core                 Dynamic Languages Toolkit project repository (dltk.core)
  207. dltk.javascript           Dynamic Languages Toolkit project repository (dltk.javascript)
  208. dltk.ruby                 Dynamic Languages Toolkit project repository (dltk.ruby)
  209. dltk.tcl                  Dynamic Languages Toolkit project repository (dltk.tcl)
  210. examples.slideshow        The Eclipse Examples Project project repository (examples.slideshow)
  211. examples.imageutils       The Eclipse Examples Project project repository (examples.imageutils)
  212. hudson.plugins            Hudson project repository (hudson.plugins.git)
  213. examples.toast            The Eclipse Examples Project project repository (examples.toast)
  214. sapphire                  Sapphire project repository (sapphire)
  215. scout.rt                  Eclipse Scout project repository (scout.rt)
  216. sisu.inject               Sisu project repository (sisu.inject)
  217. sisu.plexus               Sisu project repository (sisu.plexus)
  218. edt                       EGL Development Tools project repository (edt)
  219. pdt                       PHP Development Tools project repository (pdt)
  220. sequoyah                  Sequoyah project repository (sequoyah)
  221. webtools.javaee           Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.javaee)
  222. webtools.jsdt.tests       Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.jsdt.tests)
  223. webtools.jsdt.debug       Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.jsdt.debug)
  224. webtools.jsf              Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.jsf)
  225. webtools.servertools      Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.servertools)
  226. webtools.sourceediting    Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.sourceediting)
  227. webtools.sourceediting.testsEclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.sourceediting.tests)
  228. webtools.sourceediting.xpathEclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.sourceediting.xpath)
  229. webtools.sourceediting.xpath.testsEclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.sourceediting.xpath.tests)
  230. webtools.sourceediting.xslEclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.sourceediting.xsl)
  231. webtools.common           Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project project repository (webtools.common)
  232. webtools.webservices      Web Services Tools project repository (webtools.webservices)
  233. orion                     eclipse.orion project website
  234. sisu                      technology.sisu project website
  235. gemini                    rt.gemini project website
  236. ganymede                  An repository named ganymede
  237. resources                 An repository named resources
  238. web                       Eclipse Gemini Web project website
  239. blueprint                 Eclipse Gemini Blueprint project website
  240. jpa                       rt.gemini.jpa project website
  241. management                Eclipse Gemini Management project website
  242. naming                    Eclipse Gemini Naming project website
  243.        An repository named
  244. ebpm                      soa.ebpm project website
  245. vjet                      An repository named vjet
  246. damos                     An repository named damos
  247. papyrus                   modeling.mdt.papyrus project website
  248. jetty                     An repository named jetty
  249. users                     www-auth project website
  250. virgo                     Eclipse Virgo Project website
  251. virgo.ide                 Virgo IDE - Eclipse IDE support
  252. atl                       An repository named atl
  253. virgo.samples             An repository named virgo.samples
  254. jetty.npn                 Jetty: next generation protocol (npn) repository
  255. jetty.orbit               Jetty: orbit file sync to central repository
  256. hudson.plugins.birt-chartsHudson BIRT Chart Plugin
  257. hudson.remoting           Hudson Remoting Layer
  258. tycho.p2-fork             An repository named tycho.p2-fork
  259. hudson.stapler            Hudson Stapler Module
  260. lyo.dependencies          An repository named lyo.dependencies
  261. cbi.maven.plugins         An repository named cbi.maven.plugins
  262. eclipse.platform.swt.binariesEclipse SWT binaries
  263. eclipse.platform.releng.aggregatorCBI based Platform Build Aggregator
  264. egit-training             Example repository used for Git tutorials
  265. eclipselink.runtime       Repository that contains the eclipselink Runtime.
  266. incubator                 An repository named incubator
  267. examples                  An repository named examples
  268. oracleddlparser           An repository named oracleddlparser
  269. mobile                    An repository named mobile
  270. dbaccess                  Eclipse Gemini DBAccess project website
  271. eclipse                   eclipse.platform project website
  272. actf                      technology.actf project website
  273. epsilon                   modeling.emft.epsilon project website
  274. vjet.all                  An repository named vjet.all
  275. gmf.notation              modeling.gmp.gmf-notation project repository
  276. vjet.vsf                  An repository named vjet.vsf
  277. vjet.jsdt.parser          An repository named vjet.jsdt.parser
  278. vjet.dltk                 An repository named vjet.dltk
  279. vjet.typelibs             An repository named vjet.typelibs
  280. vjet.eclipse              An repository named vjet.eclipse
  281. vjet.rhino                An repository named vjet.rhino
  282. vjet.core                 An repository named vjet.core
  283.               An repository named
  284. sisu.mojos                Sisu: Maven mojos
  285. featuremodel.metamodel    EMF FM Metamodel and Base Components
  286.                   technology.actf project repository
  287. eclipse.platform.releng.buildtoolsTools used by Eclipse SDK build and tests.
  288. javax.persistence         This repository contains source for the Java Persistence API, and may contain code based upon draft specifications.
  289. gmf-runtime               modeling.gmp.gmf-runtime project repository
  290. emf-refactor              modeling.emft.refactor project website
  291. gmf-tooling.uml2tools     modeling.gmp.gmf-tooling project repository
  292. emf.refactor.smells       EMF Refactor Smells Component
  293. emf.refactor.refactoring  EMF Refactor Refactoring Component
  294. emf.refactor.metrics      EMF Refactor Metrics Component
  295. tm                        Target Management
  296. gerrit-cla-plugin         A custom CLA checker plug-in for Eclipse Projects.
  297. eclipse-webhook           Web service to perform validation of pull request committers via a Github webhook
  298. clatest                   Test for CLA
  299. kura                      Kura project
  300. smarthome                 Eclipse SmartHome project
  301. californium               Californium project
  302. ponte                     Ponte Project
  303. wakaama                   Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m) is an implementation of the Open Mobile Alliance's LightWeight M2M protocol (LWM2M).
  304. flux                      Flux project
  305. birt                      The open source Eclipse BIRT reporting and data visualization project.
  306. californium.actinium      Californium project
  307. californium.element-connectorCalifornium project
  308. californium.scandium      Californium project
  309.         Californium project
  310. thym                      Thym Project
  311. ice                       Ice Project Main repo
  312. titan.core                Titan Project
  313. jetty.alpn      
  314. dawnsci                   Dawnsci project
  315. score                     Score Project
  316. titan.TestPorts.Common_Components.Abstract_Socket
  317. titan.TestPorts.HTTPmsg   
  318. titan.TestPorts.LANL2asp  
  319. titan.TestPorts.PCAPasp   
  320. titan.TestPorts.PIPEasp   
  321. titan.TestPorts.SCTPasp   
  322. titan.TestPorts.SIPmsg    
  323. titan.TestPorts.SQLasp    
  324. titan.TestPorts.TCPasp    
  325. titan.TestPorts.TELNETasp 
  326. titan.TestPorts.UDPasp    
  327. titan.ProtocolModules.COMMON
  328. titan.ProtocolModules.DHCP
  329. titan.ProtocolModules.DHCPv6
  330. titan.ProtocolModules.DIAMETER_ProtocolModule_Generator
  331. titan.ProtocolModules.DNS 
  332. titan.ProtocolModules.ICMP
  333. titan.ProtocolModules.ICMPv6
  334. titan.ProtocolModules.IP  
  335. titan.ProtocolModules.RTP 
  336. titan.ProtocolModules.RTSP
  337. titan.ProtocolModules.SMPP
  338. titan.ProtocolModules.SMTP
  339. titan.ProtocolModules.SNMP
  340. titan.ProtocolModules.TCP 
  341. titan.ProtocolModules.UDP 
  342. titan.ProtocolModules.XMPP
  343. titan.EclipsePlug-ins     
  344. titan.misc                Titan project
  345. leshan                    Leshan is an OMA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) implementation in Java.
  346. egerrit                   EGerrit Project
  347. vorto                     Vorto Project
  348. risev2g                   Risev2g project
  349. leshan.osgi               Leshan OSGI
  350. buildship                 The Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle project.
  351. gyrex-server              Manual Github Mirror of
  352. ebr                       Eclipse bundle recipes
govpack commented 9 years ago
