BrisJS / meetups
98 stars 8 forks source link

This nodebot also has a face - which can be better seen using js #86

Closed govpack closed 9 years ago

govpack commented 9 years ago

screenshot 83 -- include leaflet.css alongside x.htm..

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"><title>Gigapan</title>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
HTML, body, #d1 {width: 100%;height: 100%;padding:0px;margin:0px;font-family:Verdana}
.leaflet-container {background-color:black;}
<script src="leaflet.js"></script><!--version 0.7.3-->
<script src="L.TileLayer.Gigapan.js"></script>  
<script>//let leaflet.js have the last word on what L is (pre.txt has L()=console.log)
var o3={v:123073}

function init(){
var map ='d1',{zoomControl:false }).setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 0);
var url=''+o3.v+'/tiles/'
d2.innerHTML='<a href="'+o3.v+'" target=_blank>'+o3.v+'</a>'
L.tileLayer.gigapan(url, { 
    width: 104088, 
    height: 65816,
    tolerance: 0.8,
   //attribution: 'Photo: <a href="'+o3.v+'" target=_blank>'+o3.v+'</a>'

<body onload="init()" id="bd" >
<div id="d1"></div>
<div id="d2"></div>

screenshot 84

zoom zoom

govpack commented 9 years ago

•Panoramic View From 'Rocknest' Position of Curiosity Mars Rover by JPL News 119037 •Curiosity Rover's Self Portrait at 'John Klein' Drilling Site by JPL News 123073 •North of Sardinia by party4all 177165 •Downtown Miami as seen from the Rickenbacker Causeway leading to Key Biscayne. by Robert Holmes 174524 •Blick vom Pöhlberg zum Keilberg und Fichtelberg by Matthias Bellmann 177163 •Sailing on dangerous waves by vpuffelenfractals 177161 •Elwha Shoreline 2015-08-01 by Andy Ritchie 177170 •President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address by David Bergman by David Bergman 15374 •Shanghai Skyline - 上海风景线 - 由12000张图片拼成 by Alfred Zhao 66626 •Corcovado 67GP by The Rio de Janeiro - Hong Kong Connection 54825 •Beirut Central District | LEBANON by Giga Works 67894 •kocani II MACEDONIA by Zoran Efremov {v:33411} •Hanauma Bay by Richard Palmer 5322 • 155637 • 177175 •Cannes France by Mikhail Cherkasov 176033