BrisPHP / meetups

A place to request and propose talks for the BrisPHP meetup community.
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Terraforming my world #52

Closed ndench closed 3 years ago

ndench commented 3 years ago

Over the past 5 years, I've been getting more and more committed to and proficient in Terraform. My opinion on Terraform has moved from "this seems interesting but scary" to "I never want to manually provision anything ever". This change has been driven by a number of events over the years, from onboarding new engineers into our infrastructure, to ignoring infrastructure for months because it's stable and trustworthy and culminating in the ability to spin up an entire new product in less than a week.

I want to share these stories and experiences which highlight the beauty of terraform.

ndench commented 3 years ago

Slides from my talk YouTube video, the internet dropped out at the start and missed the first few minutes.