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Planning: November meetup #8

Closed romanofski closed 6 years ago

romanofski commented 7 years ago

Brisbane Python User Group meetup checklist

Meetup announcement notes:

Speaker organisation notes:

Meetup notes:

Default food order is 15 Dominos pizzas for delivery at 6:15 pm:

danc86 commented 6 years ago

So... the October meetup is notionally on, in 5 days from now...

Are there any promising leads for presenters?

danc86 commented 6 years ago

@ncoghlan you might have some ideas I hope :-)

romanofski commented 6 years ago

Maybe push it out to November ... since catering might also be an obstacle for such a short notice. Just sayin ...

nhoad commented 6 years ago

Hey, Nathan from Bloomberg here - late notice catering is fine, I just need to know the day :)

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Since the last two meet-ups were 2nd Wednesday, I meant to change the default in the template, but I forgot :)

Still shortish notice, but not as short as it could be.

I'd be happy to do a presentation on getting into the CPython code base:

While it's a bit meta, perhaps it would be worth doing a "What goes into making a monthly meetup?" presentation, walking through why we're currently a bit hit-or-miss on actually getting things organised in a timely fashion each month?

And then for November, we could potentially look at the "Beginner's Night" idea from (@anchat1990 may have some suggestions on that front, having recently jumped from the JS world into a 10+ year old Python project spanning a couple of different generations of Python web tech)

danc86 commented 6 years ago

I don't think we can really string out "what goes into organising the meetup" into a full 30 minute talk. It would be at most 5 minutes of me complaining, and then largely about Red Hat bureaucracy for obtaining food :-P

@ncoghlan giving BrisPy/talks#19 sounds like a good one.

For the second talk I pinged Sam on BrisPy/talks#6 on the off chance that he has a talk ready up his sleeve, or would be willing to whip one up.

I also like the idea of the beginniner's night but that one's worth not rushing into so I agree we should save it for November.

danc86 commented 6 years ago

That's a negative from Sam (too short notice). @romanofski and I had a quick brainstorm and we couldn't come up with any other ideas of talks to whip up at short notice. So I think we will have to skip October and go for November instead.

danc86 commented 6 years ago

Renamed the issue to be about November meetup, which will therefore be on 8 November.

We have a few options for talks now:

danc86 commented 6 years ago

I've put up a placeholder event on for 8 November (but not announced yet). And booked the usual room on level 3.

danc86 commented 6 years ago

Let's go with Caterpillar, and Getting into the Cpython code base, as the two talks for November, since there's still a bit of uncertainty about the format for the beginner's night. @ncoghlan and @SamHames are you both still good to go? If so I will update the event and sound out the announcement for it.

SamHames commented 6 years ago

Yes, still good to go :)

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Sounds good to me! I think the beginner night could also be a good opportunity to take @elusivenode up on the offer of a larger venue in

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Oops, that was unclear - I agree deferring the beginner night makes sense, and I think we'll probably want a larger venue for it. I'll file a new issue for that.

danc86 commented 6 years ago

Okay! event is updated and meeting is announced.

@ncoghlan I just used the suggested title from #19 but please edit it if you want the title to be different.

@nathan-hoad is Bloomberg all set to supply pizza for us again for this meetup? Can I leave that in your hands?

nhoad commented 6 years ago

@danc86 Yep, all good from us!

danc86 commented 6 years ago

@nathan-hoad btw if you can send me (or link me to) a suitable version of the Bloomberg logo, I can add it to the page as a sponsor.

kaiw commented 6 years ago

@danc86 We're... trying to figure out the logo/attribution/something situation. I'll update the page when we've got the okay from business. Thanks!