BrisPy / talks

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Scalability tricks for data science #49

Open waith opened 4 years ago

waith commented 4 years ago

Any recommendations? Python version of this:

kaiw commented 4 years ago

I'm not certain what this would look like as a full-length presentation. One of the problems here is that "productivity" will vary widely between different people's usages, so I think there's a risk that this might be a bit unfocused.

Having said that, I think this would be an excellent topic for a lightning talk, simply because it feels like something where squashing a few small topics into 5 minutes would present well.

If you had more specific ideas about how to focus the "boost productivity", that would be also be good.

waith commented 4 years ago

One example is how to efficiently deal with high frequency or very large datasets, I/O, computation, refactoring, vectorisation, batch processing when cloud is not an option.

kaiw commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. I've renamed the issue to better reflect what I think we'd be looking for topic-wise.