BriscoeTech / Arduino-FreeRTOS-SAMD21

A port of FreeRTOS that runs on Arduino Samd21 boards
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wrapping memory functions #20

Open ceotto opened 5 years ago

ceotto commented 5 years ago

Hi. I'm starting a new project using Arduino MKR1000 card (SAMD) and RTOS is a great starting point to avoid the development of lots of low level useless code. Thank you for the work in this porting, perhaps I'm going to contribute as far as I can.

Obviously all the memory has to be managed by the RTOS so I putted the file platform.local.txt in the porting directory (\arduino-1.8.9\portable\packages\arduino\hardware\samd\1.8.1).

I've found that in the file platform.local.txt there is a typo, the following lines (39 & 40): undefined reference to '__wrap_malloc' undefined reference to '__wrap_free' has to be changed into: # undefined reference to '__wrap_malloc' # undefined reference to '__wrap_free' to make the compiler work.

I was able to setup and test the examples of the release 8 (so the RTOS appears to work in Genuino MKR1000). Now I'm going to download and test the RTOS10 porting. Best regards