BriscoeTech / Arduino-FreeRTOS-SAMD21

A port of FreeRTOS that runs on Arduino Samd21 boards
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FreeRTOS version #31

Open oofus opened 2 years ago

oofus commented 2 years ago

Hi. I was wondering if this port is now dormant, or if there is any likelihood of it being updated at any point. The version of FreeRTOS provided here is 10.2.1 but upstream is now at 10.4.x.

Many thanks.

BriscoeTech commented 2 years ago

Hello oofus,

Nope not dormant, just been happy with how stable this port has been.

Is there a specific feature that has been added in the newer versions that you were hoping for? I did a quick browse through the new additions and saw one or two things that would be nice, but nothing I could not live without.

oofus commented 2 years ago


Can't disagree with you about the stability, I've used it in a few projects now and it's been fine.

New versions don't just add new features but do fix bugs and make efficiencies. I noticed "robustness and consistency for buffer allocation in the heap, queue and stream buffer", for example. If upstream have put the effort in, would be a shame not embrace it.

They are now releasing versions that are specifically LTS, which just prompted a thought that it might be sensible to settle on one of those, perhaps.

There are no specific new features I was interested in, but then if I do find a use for one and it's not there, I can't use it!! Multiple direct to task notifications rather than a single notification, as a likely example. Some of the new core libraries look interesting too, but maybe they're usable without having to use the latest released kernel version. I'll have to investigate.

Anyway, thanks for the quick reply and providing this port. Glad it's not dormant and is just resting :)
