Brisppy / twitch-archiver

A simple, fast, platform-independent tool for downloading Twitch streams, videos, and chat logs.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Issue automatically converting merged.ts into a .mp4 file #37

Open LEMON67 opened 4 months ago

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

After the twitch stream ends and twitch-archiver is supposed to convert the merged.ts file into an mp4 file and error occurs. The mp4 file does not get generated and I have to do it manually since a .ts file isn't that great for media. I used to get an mp4 file at the end when I first started using twitch-archiver. Untitled

Brisppy commented 4 months ago

Thanks for opening an issue. There should be a file called ffmpeg.log inside of the VOD_DIRECTORY/parts/ folder, could you post that here for me?

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

[in#0 @ 0000019cc80d3400] Error opening input: Invalid argumentError opening input file 'D:\vod\streamer_name\2024-07-10_15-04-07.Error opening input files: Invalid argument

Brisppy commented 4 months ago

Could you post the full ffmpeg and uncensored error log for me? Hard to troubleshoot without the filepaths and VOD info. If you want you can send them to my email instead.

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

I'll get that to you after I download a stream with the debug logs enabled. I'll have it by tomorrow probably.

Brisppy commented 4 months ago

I may not need the full debug logs just the ffmpeg one and the uncensored error log, what version are you running? There were some related issues fixed a couple versions ago.

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

I am running v4.0.10. The full ffmpeg.log file only has the single line in it like I posted earlier. I'll just get that full debug log to you later though.

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

This time It stopped downloading the vod halfway through the live stream while I was browsing the internet. After I noticed the next day I pressed enter on the command prompt that was running twitch-archiver and it started downloading it again. After it finished It didn't even compile all the numbered .ts files into a merged.ts as well. Here is the debug.log file but there isn't an ffmpeg.log. I hope this helps.


Brisppy commented 4 months ago

Hmm this seems to be a different problem, Twitch seems to be blocking your requests for some reason or another. Not sure what can be done about that, but if you rerun the archiver without the --stream-only flag it should resume archiving on failure and finish archiving the stream.

Back to the original problem though, could you share the VOD ID from the first issue? I might be able to to figure out what's going on from that.

LEMON67 commented 4 months ago

I downloaded another stream so I could get the same error as the first screenshot that I sent. VOD ID's are included in the debug of course.

debug.log ffmpeg.log

Brisppy commented 4 months ago

Thanks for getting those for me. I've tried to recreate this issue but I'm not having much success, I'll have a look when I have some spare time over the next few days and see what I can come up with.

Brisppy commented 4 months ago

I'm thinking this has something to do with how twitch archiver interacts with FFmpeg, could you try the latest version of the develop branch and post the debug logs for me? They should include the generated FFmpeg command which I can then investigate.

Managed to recreate the issue running the FFmpeg command manually in CMD, using single quotes ' rather than double quotes ". For some reason your OS is being detected as Linux / Mac rather than Windows? Any ideas as to why this would be happening? I can add a secondary check for the current OS but not sure if that would even fix this.